Comment history

Hotelier says...

I read that article and thought it was a frivolous piece and not worth comment. Sunglasses, seriously? How about the interest rates and mortgage policies of these banks? Why does the government allow this? How about the fact that Bank of The Bahamas does not have a relationship with a clearing bank because of their liquidity issues and takes 90 days to clear a foreign (we are talking US here) cheque? Does the young author have any idea of what it takes to do business on an Out Island? Or the impact of the Banks losses on NIB? Please......

On Don’t trivialise the issue of rape

Posted 11 September 2015, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Hotelier says...

Oh please. We are offended by the truth? Nassau is a crime ridden garbage dump full of tourist trap overpriced restaurants and surly service people. We need to stop believing our own press. It is not Better in The Bahamas. Minister Wilchcombe needs to man up and stop feeding this crap to Bahamians. How about real how to is tough out there and getting tougher with all of the negative press generated by Bahamar and our anti foreign message to travelling anglers.

Hotelier says...

Does this mean National Insurance and Water and Sewerage don't have to be paid?

Hotelier says...

Go get 'em Dr. Minnis and please don't let up.

Hotelier says...

Let us just put up a big sign that says: "Tourists go home. We don't want you here." and save them the trouble.

Hotelier says...

Hello Banker:

We need the Bloggy Boyz back now more than ever.

On Happy birthday, Mr Christie

Posted 21 August 2015, 10:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Hotelier says...

KB is a folk singer in the best sense of the tradition.

Hotelier says...

Read between the lines. This accountant wants it to be a law that accountants sign off on these returns.

Hotelier says...

Bahamar is just another new plantation.

On Casino reforms keep expat resident bar

Posted 4 September 2014, 3:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Hotelier says...

You want to eliminate gay sex? Let them get married!

On Resort to host gay pride event

Posted 28 August 2014, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal