Comment history

ILB says...

Love it, keep up the good work Dr. Munroe. The popes statements were tantamount to a snow ball gaining momentum only to result in an avalanche of disproportionate consequence..

ILB says...

We urge you to fix this vexing problem.
Or the people will find themselves choosing again.
We will not allow our country to be taken while we sleep.

ILB says...

How can you as an illegal immigrant attempt coercion with respect to departure from this nation because you have not received assistance after your home(illegal residence) was burnt down.
If it was arsen, that was wrong and the perpetrators should be punished
But to you as an illegal immigrant your thinking must be corrected
You are here illegally
a subtle but important concept to grasp
You do not have the rights of a citizen, resident, etc
It is clear that you have no respect for us as a people or nation.
In no other nation is this allowed....
We will not tolerate it, from anyone, any longer!
And to the powers that be, if you do not step up to the plate, I am afraid the plate will shortly be taken away.....