Comment history

ISpeakFacts says...

Bastian is a well known murderer and gang leader who should've been hanged a long time ago, I doubt he listened to his victims when they took their last breath! If their story has any truth to it (which I highly doubt), he got what he was asking for! good riddance!!!

On Agony of murder victims' families

Posted 16 April 2021, 11:17 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

All of these thugs deserved to be rotting away in prison for life or given the electric chair for the heinous crimes they committed, there is absolutely no reason for any convicted murderer to continue roaming the streets, good riddance to all of these idiots!

On Agony of murder victims' families

Posted 16 April 2021, 11:15 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

Why is the nurse who is seen giving Idiot Minnis his "sugar and water shot" not wearing any gloves? And does Idiot Minnis or Wells know when the 2nd doses of the India Vaccine will arrive, if the 2nd dose aren't given after a certain time period then this vaccine is practically useless!!! I for one won't be taking this cheap vaccine touted by Minnis and his Chinese friends at W.H.O!!!

ISpeakFacts says...

Nearly all of the nurses in this country are obese, unprofessional, and lack proper training, they only show up to collect their paycheck and couldn't care less what happens to the patients!

On Sandilands patient dies by suicide

Posted 12 November 2020, 9:32 a.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

Only a diehard Minnis fanboy like yourself would label those who don't support their almight ruler aka Minnis as "PLP voters", you can look through my comments along with others and see that majority of us detest both the PLP and the FNM, both parties and their incompetent "leaders" are why this country is in its current situation, with no hope whatsoever in the future!

ISpeakFacts says...

Minnis' idea of leadership is starving the nation for a week without warning, closing down small businesses and food stores while locking down everyone else while he and his cronies continue to receive their belly full!

Like Dorian, Minnis and his administration's response to this pandemic has been a complete circus show, only a braindead Minnis fanboy would dare to think he deserves any sort of praise for his gross incompetence!

ISpeakFacts says...

Turnquest, like Minnis and Super Wash... is an utter buffoon who doesn't know anything he's talking about, it's no wonder why China is running circles around these idiots!

ISpeakFacts says...

Tommy and Super Wash sound so proud of this accomplishment! Congrats on your "under 1000" visitors lol

ISpeakFacts says...

Of course he does, because his fat a$$ already has food in his house and he doesn't have to worry about his income!

On MP voices support for lockdown of Eleuthera

Posted 4 November 2020, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

Did you also forget that majority of bahamians can't even afford to be tested, we need free excuses!!!

On 'Spread of COVID in the country is down’

Posted 4 November 2020, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal