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ISpeakFacts says...

useless idiots!!!

So why the hell are bahamians still on lockdown??? This is July 1st all over again, there really is no hope or future for this country which has now been turned into a police state ruled by a tyrant dictator!

ISpeakFacts says...

Please tell me how this health team isn't useless, they haven't done anything right since the start of the pandemic! In fact the current health team hasn't done anything prior to the pandemic!

ISpeakFacts says...

**She said data suggests the country has passed the peak of the virus during the second wave**.

This is the same garbage that came out of Adolf Minnis' smelly mouth several weeks ago, and then we all know what happened! No one should believe anything coming out of this woman's or any other member of the MOH's mouth, she and the rest of them have been absolutely clueless and useless during this entire pandemic!

ISpeakFacts says...

**“No, it is not true that I contracted COVID-19.”**

Why does this idiot continue to say this when he hasn't been tested in over a week!?

ISpeakFacts says...

No peaceful protests but he allowed a junkanoo rushout????

ISpeakFacts says...

**we need free testing!!!**

On PAHO: Testing the best way

Posted 22 October 2020, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

**However, he said his last COVID-19 test was taken last week which yielded a negative result. It is not clear when he will be retested.**

To no one's surprise, Minnis is a complete idiot! How can this utter buffoon say he hasn't contracted the Chinese Virus when he hasn't been tested since last week!?

On PM says he has NOT contracted COVID

Posted 22 October 2020, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

**It was discovered that some cases were from the island of New Providence and not from the Family
Island previously indicated. Hence four cases have been subtracted from the islands with an asterisk and added to total confirmed cases for New Providence**

WOW...these idiots can't do anything right, it's no wonder why we have nearly 400 cases still pending location!

ISpeakFacts says...

Of course it is, the Lockdown King will **NEVER** let anyone take away his new powers, be prepared because we'll be having more useless lockdowns well into Summer 2021. We've been on a curfew since **MARCH**, why doesn't this idiot realize that his stupid lockdowns are doing more harm to this country than the Chinese Virus ever could!

Minnis is right, when this pandemic is over, a different world will emerge...a world without this **useless** s.o.b as our PM! This country is forever doomed until this fool is removed from office along with his corrupt and useless administration.

ISpeakFacts says...

The Lockdown King is now on lockdown!!!