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Icelaverne says...

While, we all agree that the healthcare facilities in the country is in a delipidated state of disrepair. It is important that the government, MOH, local facets of healthcare providers and global healthcare experts come together and determine the needs of the country.
Dr. Sands, MOH and PHA collectively do not have a clue as to the fundamental and specialty healthcare needs of the country's population. Dr. Sands spew data and statistics continuously, without explanations as to who collected the information, how the information was collected, where the information came from and by what mode.
If one does not know the need and how to achieve that need, how in heavens name can you pull a figure out your gluteus maximus....
The is a need for a collective/feasible study on the relocation/design of PMH; the operative words collective/feasible, by experts in healthcare facilities design and construction in a country as The Bahamas( power surges, lack of preventative maintenance, legal bandits and the like).One can not build over, add on and patch a building constructed in the 1900s..
Is there any such resident group in the country....NOT tell us.

Icelaverne says...

Most organizations require pre-employment drug screen for marijuana and several other drugs before employed and even to satisfy regulations.
Should marijuana be legalized , not only would Pandora box be opened.. so would Pandora TRUNK...
Most companies mandate a negative marijuana screen before an individual begins employment, but if it is legal according to the government laws, I foresee individuals not being employed, if they ever test positive.
Then we will wait for the first test case....
Businesses have a right to hire, fire and create their own policy/procedures that governs their operations.
I am sure no one wants a "High as a kite MD" performing a gastrectomy....

Icelaverne says...

Before establishing solutions to the many vehicle accidents and fatalities, the police force road traffic department ought to have performed a Root Cause Analysis(RCA) . In doing so they would have determined the true causal factors of the many vehicle accidents & fatalities. They stated clearly that “We thought the cell phone laws would have helped....." Now, the country drivers are saddled with a law that is not functional, not useful or adequate.
There is full agreement on abiding with the law. All the writers who opined have bits and pieces of the solution...driver,speed, inadequate roads, functioning vehicles, alcohol, cell phone distraction and no less other drivers...
Conduct a proper RCA....Maybe they are not aware or have knowledge of the RCA techniques.