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ImhotepI says...

This is a sad sad country we live in when we let our own superstitions, biases and hypocrisies get in the way of progress. But hey we are a third world nation and the average person barely has a bachelor's degree.

It makes me chuckle when i hear people quoting scripture to justify their own fears and biases. Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality, but maybe that was because he was to busy trying to do what Mr. Mitchell is doing now . This is advocating for change , back in the time of Jesus he spoke out against Roman occupation and corruption of the temple priests.

People you all have gay persons in your family, get over it , love for everyone is the only way.
As long as two consenting adults are involved its no one else business.

Am not gay as a matter of fact, when i see sexy girl I get more than excited. However i do realize that this is simply a function of bio-chemistry. We don't fully understand how the human brain and body works so we cant say "Oh they wasn't born that way".

Do you know when someone is born an egomaniac , serial killer , Human rights activist?
The natural network of mycelium produce fruits that we call mushrooms through homosexuality. There are numerous examples of asexual and homosexual production in the natural plant and animal world. Read a damn book people!

Whether or not someone is gay does not directly affect you no more than if someone is a womanizer or a whore. Get over it , they have been here since time immemorial and are not going anywhere. why would some choose to be gay knowing our societies nuances . Use logic my fellow Bahamians not emotion.

I have read all the comments and I can say that most people here sound really uneducated and simple.

someone even stupidly said that it would stop our world from growing, really when our world population is showing more growth than ever in history!