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In_search_of_truth says...

This is like holding up the one finger in church when ya walking out, thinking that one finger hiding you but erry body seeing you leave. I mean man, they talk and you just is hear they lying through they Parliament teeth. I wonder if it was when you get elected to public office, erry time you lying to the people, ya words is come out with green smoke, I wonder how that would fair? Yup green smoke all day erry day!

In_search_of_truth says...

That was funny Tal, but very true indeed!!

On Taxpayers should get 25% Baha Mar stake

Posted 23 July 2015, 9:08 a.m. Suggest removal

In_search_of_truth says...


In_search_of_truth says...

Ok, let us just process this a bit here, we all knew and expected this would be the course of action taken, and really this was sort of a "Catch 22" situation for our Supreme Court. It all depended on who they decided to piss off in the end, if the Chapter 11 ruling was upheld, then CEXIMB and CCA and hence the Chinese would have been angered, if they refused as is now, FDI and the U.S. are now angered along with the rest of the international tourist world being cautious, neither one of these decisions for or against would have been swallowed well.

I will say this though, it would have looked even worse to surrender what little sovereignty we have left as a nation to an American court system, even though, in my own humble opinion, I think it would have been better to do so, in order to quash the atmosphere of corruption because we would have been assured that the Delaware Court appointed and approved overseers would be at least on paper totally un-bias with one focus to get the job done.

But we know the saying, if someone wins, then obviously someone else loses. Many of us here feel like the Bahamian people have lost today, and it may be difficult to do at this point, but we just need to hope and pray the entire matter gets resolved soon so that Baha Mar can be opened and the economy of the Bahamian people can begin to benefit from it.

Still, will we ever know the depth of the rabbit hole of under-handness, corruption, and secret deals go? Nope! Also we know Izzie will take some sort of action legally in light of this, because I would not take kindly to investing 850 - 900 Mil only to have my efforts cut from under me, nobody just walks away from that kind of investment. I take it hard in this VAT day in age to not feel some type of way when invest a meager 200 dollars in something and it don't pan out, judge millions. The sad truth is, it will be us as Bahamians who will feel all the blows, effects and casualties of this war, as you can sense this is only Round 1 in this Heavyweight fight of about 20 Rounds GEESH!!