Comment history

InvestorsAreWatching says...

I though so Birdie, see what happens good people of the Bahamas when you challenge the lies of the PLP like I just did, they remain silent like little school kids caught in a lie. I love the people of the Bahamas, and I know they will rise from their oppressors the PLP mafia and their evil dictator Perry "Birdiestrachan" Christie. I got to go, I have a wife, three kids, one dog, two cats, one crazy parrot and a life; good luck, don't they them fool you.

InvestorsAreWatching says...

Now I can feel the nervousness of your body right threw the computer, one million is a lot, right Birdie? I promise you the check is for you to keep, but don't even try to rip me off. Well, am still waiting for your reply.

InvestorsAreWatching says...

And if your thinking a way to get the check using a false address, you will be arrested, because I'm not kidding about armed guards will deliver it. And you can move out of the place your living now so no one try's to rob you after are agreement is complete. While am still wait for your reply, I know your watching, I can feel you.

InvestorsAreWatching says...

I tell you what Birdie, expose yourself to the good people of the Bahamas right here right now. Write your name, address, and phone number for all to see and I give you my word on my dear grandmothers grave I will send a one million dollar check to that address you write; with police escorts to deliver it so not to get ripped off of course. How about it Birdie, you will know who I am from the information on my check, I dare you.

InvestorsAreWatching says...

People of the Bahamas, Birdiestrachan works for the PLP, is paid with your own treasury money to write negative comments about any one who is against the PLP mafia. I can't expose their identity because of legal consequences that may also lead to violence against them. Thirteen million dollars is pocket change "Birdie" compared to my losses in the Bahamas because of you as Prime Minister Perry" Birdiestrachan" Christie, dictator and worshipper of Satan. How can you sleep at night while your people suffer, there is no way in hell you are human.

InvestorsAreWatching says...

Damn it, I told Paul Vincent Zecchino his would be my last comment, and I am a man of my word, but the Bahamas is very important and dear to me; it's worthy of a broken promise. So hopefully this will be my last comment because we have our own problems, it's called Trump and a can't spare a minute. I want to share something with my Bahamian friends, I have the most reliable street cense in the world, it has made me wealthy and saved me from life threating situations; I trust it with my life, we all have it, you just need to find it. I feel Bahamian warrior Rollins's youth and ideas backed up by his ass kicking attitude, that no one dare try bullshiting him, will be a great leader. And believe it or not, I feel L.B.Turner should be his right hand man, in this case woman. The PLP media has said she never fulfilled her promises to the people, how could she if they control the people's taxed funds they've deposited in their own personal bank accounts? She also has the warrior like attitude your country needs. Imagine telling this woman you do want to do what the Bahamian people want her to do for them; she's knock the hell out of any will deserved jackass use to PLP orders. And here's the big surprise folks, Dr. Minnis should be third in command, he has the experience and also the warrior like attitude. But he needs to be contended for his know good because he's been hanging around the PLP for way to long; the good people of the Bahamas have to detox him from PLP poisoning first. The rest are all wanta be's, my golden retriever is smarter than all of them put together; by the way,I taught him to bring me a beer from the refrigerator in 2 weeks time, now that's a smart dog. You people are smart, don't let anyone tell you your not, you don't need me to tell you what to do, do what your body tells you you should do, it's never wrong trust me. This inner feeling was giving to us by God himself, it's called a soul, you know it's there, you just have to learn how to trust it; it took me a very long time before I found it. I love you people, wish you the best, and hope to see you soon when you have won against your oppressors the PLP mafia and their heartless evil dictator, Perry "Biriestrachan" Christie.; thank you.

On Rollins ‘would run against Loretta’

Posted 18 September 2016, 5:41 p.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

I'll make this my last comment because I think Paul Vincent Zecchino earned it. Paul, yesterday I met with Hillary Clinton in White Plains, N.Y., I told her right to her face in front of Bill that I don't agree with everything she believes in, and don't believe everything she says (You should have seen her face, but that's who and what I'm about), I stand up for what I believe in and willing to die for it (That's what an American is all about).But after she closed her dropping jaw of surprise she shook my hand and said, "Thank you, I'll do the best job I can with the Guidance of God". As she told me this I immediately handed her a $13M dollar check to add to her campaign. She is the smartest woman I have ever met, and has more courage than some brave men I know. I will donate my entire fortune to make sure Donald Trump doesn't become President of the USA. He is an egotistic racist lose gun on the American people, he has brought out the undesirables (The KKK, Neo- Nazi's, White Supremacists) out of the closet to cheer him on, we as a country need to rid ourselves from them now that we know who they are. The bad news for the Bahamas is that 2017 will be the year of the woman; as your dictator's Chinese friends would (Women in the Bahamas still don't have equal rights; that doesn't look right in the eyes of the free). Hillary Clinton will empower women all over the world when she becomes the first woman President of the United States of America with out a doubt. People like myself, Warren Buffett and every wealthy educated human being on earth knows if Trump becomes President he will start World War 3. He doesn't have the temperament that a USA president needs. Thank you Paul for your wonderful comment; good luck.

InvestorsAreWatching says...

Mr. Bacon runs a group that cares about the beauty and preservation of the Bahamas, he is content in the property size he owns. He knows if the natural beauty of the Bahamas is destroyed in any way it will affect the only income the people have; tourism. He won't suffer, he's a billionaire, the Bahamian people will suffer.
Mr. Nygard started in the Bahamas with a good sized property, but as he gets older, uglier and bitter, just like a man with a small penis who needs an expensive car or a very large truck to compensate for what he's missing in size; he is angry. His views on preservation of the beauty of the Bahamas are blinded by his own inner demons. It is obvious in the Mayan empire he's trying to build. And your dictator Perry " Birdiestrachan" Christie is trying to help him accomplish his goals at all cost, your cost; says all about your dictator doesn't it?
My plane just landed in White Plains, N.Y., this is the last comment I make on this newspaper, I want to thank all my past Bahamian employers for all your good work and respect, you all know who I am. I hope one day I can return to the Bahamas again when you rid yourselves of the PLP mafia and their heartless evil dictator Perry "Birdiestrachan" Christie.

InvestorsAreWatching says...

The PLP mafia and dictator Perry "Birdieshrachan" Christie were out yesterday shopping for every possible Monopoly game available to use the fake money to pay the people. But when they went to the bank to make a deposit, the manager told them to get the hell out and never return as he kicked Christie's fat ass out the door. So caught between a rock and a hard place, they had no choice but to withdraw it out of their own account, which is still your money anyway.

On Baha Mar payouts start September 27

Posted 17 September 2016, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

InvestorsAreWatching says...

OMG banker, that made my morning!....hahaha!......omg, i believe I've pissed in my pants laughing so hard!

On Baha Mar payouts start September 27

Posted 17 September 2016, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal