Comment history

Ironvelvet says...

This was inevitable. Lock him up!

Ironvelvet says...

Ummm, I'm willing to bet that that is not all what Rollins said. People have a habit of trying to pretty up something when they do wrong.

On FNM deputy slaps PLP MP in House

Posted 12 June 2013, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

I agree with the boycott! PLP are back in power, I suppose we must also have a return of "approved" news coverage.

Ironvelvet says...

OMG It is clearly known that the FNM is responsible for the stadium, the airport, the roads, all major infrastructural changes! What has Mr. Christie ever done...ZIPPO!!!!

Ironvelvet says...

The average criminal has no sense of self-love, conscience, or citizenship. They will continue to offend, because they have nothing to live for, nothing to stick out their chest and appropriately be proud about.

While we need a handle on crime. Handling crime starts in the home, in the schools, and in the church. Once adulthood is reached and really late adolescence, a bad apple will only rot, very few find the nourishment needed to come back to life.

Ironvelvet says...

So let me get this straight....I've paid my bill on time every month and I only get a 2% discount, but those who pay when they can/feel like it get 10% off? I do declare Mr. Chairman you are encouraging financial delinquency. Those with no shame and bad credit will not mind paying late so they can get their 10%. Cut off those who owe. That is plain and simple. There is no consequence for these people. Bahamians live in a no consequence society and thus make their own rules, then become outraged when someone tells them otherwise. This may seem minor to some but the old adage says a lier is a thief and a thief is a murderer....and we wonder why we are in such a crime ridden state! I agree with everyone above, this is white collar crime. Lock up the hotels! The authorities arrested the man for stealing electricity.....same thing!

On Miller: top hotel owes BEC $10m

Posted 11 June 2013, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

I completely agree with Mr. Rolle! Excellent evaluation of what the police force needs. Why do politicians not consult the proper authorities (pun not intended) when they make recommendations for budgets that have to do with other areas not within their expertise? Or perhaps the proper authority on the matter. Mr. Rolle is on point!

Ironvelvet says...

I have to agree with Mr. Archer. I have long time been screaming for prison reform. No one is suggesting that we turn the prison into a vacation spot, but there has to be something said about the calibur of conditions and their influence on whatever rehabilitation we can hope impacts that prisoner.

Prisons should at the very minimum have a bed, proper toilet and showering facilities, and appropriate food and water. AND also have appropriate psychiatric rehabilitation. There should be adequate numbers of psychiatrists/psychologists that do nothing but work in the prison population. There is nothing that eases these men back into society and to be frank many of them can't read and write. What do we expect these prisoners to do when they are illiterate, have no personal resources, no supporting families and friends that encourage them to do better, or anyone to help them get on the right track.

I personally am more afraid of a criminal that has been released from Her Majesty's Prison than one who is about to go in. That person has been bred to now be a true animal with no rules but to survive. These people sleep on concrete floors like sardines lined in a can (5-6 big men in a cell made for 3 people. Imagine the excrement that they must be in contact with daily, the smell, the disease, that's enough to even further harden the worst criminal you can imagine.

You want these criminals to do better when they get out, we must put the work into them as soon as they arrive at the prison, otherwise crime will only get worse my friends. Yes, they should be punished, but punishment and torture are two very different things, and currently the conditions at HMP are bordering on torture.

Ironvelvet says...

Well written. I often times wonder if the PLP readers are so blinded by their love for their party that they cannot see the wrong that is being done by so many that head the party and in turn the wrong they do to the country and henceforth themselves. Its as though they are just critiquing to win a debate for their team.

Their unreasonable criticisms often times remind me of when the press was not free to report what it wanted and reports were "prescreened" by the gold rush crew.

On This is your country - have a say

Posted 21 May 2013, 12:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

This is another example of poor management of the various ministries. Its almost as though nothing happens in individual ministries without the PM's okay or a group discussion in the house.

Each ministry has allocated funds for projects and improvements in their ministry. Why wasn't a survey done of needed projects at the beginning of the year for each ministry when the budget was being discussed? That way people can be given a timeline for various projects. Or was it done and we just haven't seen anything done or started because of inadequacies in the ministry?

Ministers what are you doing? The public would like to hear a report and a plan for the future.

On Potters Cay vendors want electric power

Posted 20 May 2013, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal