Comment history

Ironvelvet says...

Agreed! A good spanking is warranted! I would also like to add why didn't the woman call and confirm with the mother that she was out of town and confirm that it was okay for the child to spend the night? Strange parenting going on there.

Ironvelvet says...

Speaking of negativity, your comment was full of it!

Yes, the Bahamian public does need to stop hiding these thugs. Its not negativity its constructive criticism. Its thought processes like yours that don't contribute to solutions, because no one stops to consider a different path. Everyone wants to continue beating the same path with the same poor result of escalating crime.

The truth of the matter is, many of the police are corrupt and accept bribes from criminals because they aren't paid enough. The police force has become a job source of last resort, because its a low paying field with little respect.

Many of them respond to crimes and can't fill out the police report because they can't read and write! That is real talk and a real experience where my mother had to write the report because the unfortunate officer admitted to his own illiteracy.

There simply aren't enough officers on the force to do the job well or even to respond to emergencies. We keep putting pressure on Commissioner Greenslade without giving him the proper tools and resources to produce results.

If anything, my comment was in support of better working conditions for police officers because my dear they do need it. Your comment about Boston is not applicable, we are talking about crime not terrorism.

PS. I'm not complaining I'm offering a discussion and points for solution. No need to come and see you under the bridge, you have no points to discuss, just low conversation full of expletives.

And my dear I have never ever posted anything in support of Rodney Moncur (not saying I'm against him), I disagree with many of his tactics, and have never ever been in favor in the release of a criminal, not even a member of my own family who spent hard time at Her Majesty's Prison.

Get real! As the song says, "stop digging in ya bungi!"

On Victim tried to stop attack on woman

Posted 13 May 2013, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

This is absolutely awful! My sincerest condolences go out to the family of Mr. Bruner.

Again, while unemployment is a major issue, crime needs to be taken in hand. The local authorities have had their chance. Help is warranted. True leaders know how to ask for help. In crime ridden New York, Giuliani turned things around there. Ingraham consulted him and was ridiculed for doing so. We need help whether domestic or foreign. Our country: its citizens and its visitors will not survive if we continue to allow crime to get out of control.

We need to stop investing in these physical signs of progress. Please invest money in the police and defense forces. Pay them more, train them better, recruit more qualified personnel, give them the resources needed to do their jobs. Money and resources is power.

On Victim tried to stop attack on woman

Posted 13 May 2013, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

TalRussell, I do believe that those are direct quotes, not propaganda!……

On MP demands answer on PLP pledge

Posted 8 May 2013, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

Too often these days we accept mediocrity for the saving of feelings. Failures leads to future success in the strong willed. Strong will and leadership does not grow from applauding mediocrity.

On Readers rate PLP with a grade F

Posted 7 May 2013, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

What Mr. Chipman highlights is failure of the Christie goverment to outline a plan and to execute that said plan. The Christie government has long blamed the most immediate past government for its failures of this year....however this is a government with cabinet ministers who sat in the opposition and had access to all the documents that the previous government had just before they then became the governing party. A learned person does not make a promise that he cannot forsee a plan or go forward with a plan that cannot be executed. That person is a fool! Funny thing though the PLP made promises with no plans....

It is high time that the PLP realizes that you can't showboat on promises and lies, one must be honest and realistic with the future of a country. This is our livelihood! This is our history that impacts the future! Get it together PLP, I sure didn't vote for you, but I hope that they can get it together before it too late.

On MP demands answer on PLP pledge

Posted 7 May 2013, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

The term hearsay should also be applied to the "information" that the Immigration Dept received which is the reason Mr. Mitchell says they acted. I supposed that same "hearsay" prevented them from doing their proper job by looking up the said reported illegal worker to then find out their permit was on appeal and thus the worker should have just carried on as usual without interruption from Immigration. That hearsay that the Immigration dept which Mitchell says they should have acted on cause that dept to act in a "panic" and was "dangerous".

Ironvelvet says...

Another piece of evidence to revamp the court system. We are an independent country, we shouldn't be using the privy council anymore. We need to create our own final court. We have our own way of doing things, its time we take charge of ourselves.

On Hanging 'unlikely' in the Bahamas

Posted 1 May 2013, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

All I will do is remind the good Mr. Roberts that people should not throw stones from glass houses! The leader of the PLP and unfortunately our PM is "wutless"! He never knows what's going on, hasn't fulfilled any campaign promises (and he's a seasoned politician and former PM), and doesn't seem to be able to control the ministers that came from his party.

Again, shutup Roberts, please worry about your own dilapidated house with a leaking roof and unstable flooring that is painted in blue and gold.

On Roberts calls on FNM to dismiss Minnis

Posted 29 April 2013, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

Mr. Munroe already has argued against his point. He says that since the referendum that the number shops have reported a drop in sales and a drop in payouts. So clearly that is because that is because there are many who have chosen to err on the side of caution. So should it be assumed that if there was a firm law in place that those numbers would be closer to zero because the shop would have closed?

This is a scare tactic to talk about an increase in organized crime. I suppose we should legalize armed robbery, rape, and murder because those are increasing at an alarming rate as well, despite what Commissioner Greenslade tells us. Of course, there will be some stragglers to comply with the law, lock em up! Do patrols and lock up the bookie. The crowded her majesty's prison shall surely change their tune.

Just because someone is unemployed does not give them the right to commit crime without punishment.