Comment history

IslandSplendor says...

COVID-19 isn't going anywhere, soon, and the country already has a 40% unemployment rate. Continuing to keep the borders closed is not economically sound. At this point, the best thing to do is learn to live with the virus until a vaccine is available. Follow protocols: Wear your masks, keep safe distances, wash your hands (or use sanitizers) and constantly clean surfaces.

IslandSplendor says... Western Europe's false perception - where slavery began - should be a litmus test on whether Columbus "discovered" the Bahamas? And whether we should respect/celebrate him? That's a big NO! Columbus did not discover the Bahamas...he encountered it. Moreover; Europe couldn't believe that Columbus discovered the Bahamas, because Columbus brought island natives to Europe with him.

Take the statue down and place it in a museum. Don't stop there, either. Remove queen Victoria, also.

On Columbus keeps the tourists happy

Posted 1 July 2020, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal