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IslandTransPlant says...

I think three months is asking a little to much but a year sounds fair and yes I agree no more bail.

IslandTransPlant says...

Maybe you need to through your hat in the ring seems like you have all the answers let's see how good you will do if you don't have a solution to the problems shut up and let the lady do her job...

IslandTransPlant says...

TalRussell what's up with this comrade BS are you Russian, and did those Cranes have proper lighting on them, in bad weather you do not have to see the run way if you are fallowing your instrument training you should be able to land a jet with out seeing the landing strip to a point.

On Pilots blamed for Munroe crash

Posted 23 February 2015, 7:16 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

Why is the government allowing something like this to go on in the country and the lawyers are a bunch of scumbags, just taking advantage of the situation the law in this country is so laughable no wander why we can't get ahead for a country being so close to the US you need to try and adopt some of the laws how could you not have a land registrar's office to record the sale of property that was sold, that is so 18th century.

On Embassy warns homebuyers

Posted 23 February 2015, 4:26 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

The Bahamas government is not organize enough to run something like that they can not get a simple thing right like the war on crime there letting these kids who have a third greed education get the better of them and holding the country hostage with there behavior and disregard for life but on the other hand the public has toe held accountable also if you want a better way of life for your kids nd love ones you have to make a differance and take your country back.

On Lawyer Munroe issues alert over organised crime

Posted 21 February 2015, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandTransPlant says...

Speak English from the way you speaking I wound hire you did you finish school or is that what they tough you, if so you need some grammar lessons.

IslandTransPlant says...

You guys need to stop bickering and work together for the good of the kids, at the end of the day that's what it's all about if you guys can not work together then maybe you should both step down right now both of you are just pointing fingers.

IslandTransPlant says...

I think they should have right to vote as a citizen but not to form there own political parties just as if you were born in the USA even with two Bahamian parents the baby is an American citizen and has a right to vote.

IslandTransPlant says...

Didi you proof read this before you posted this isht not shit ish stop watchng other peoples money and do you beleive everthing you read I dout if there is two nartrual born bahamians that's has a billon and if there is it's most likely the last two thiveing MP's, don't beleive the hyp your government has the country in the situation that your in by, not creating a better economy for the nation.

IslandTransPlant says...

Themessanger I hope that you are not a business owner if your are good for you, but if I still lived in nassau I would not patronise yout business, you are one of those people that I was speaking about not paying atention in School your grammer is lacking you sound pretty dumb, I was speaking about the Hotels not bahamian owne business, if you were paying atention like you should have like in class we would not be have this conversation and do not talk about the tax system if you don't understand how it works because if you were a tax payer you would most likley be able to read properly it pays for the school system and a lot more things in the country, if you live long enough to retire then you wil be eligible for social security, like if you are unemployed and worked for 49 months before you lost your job you can collect unemployment for the next six months so don't speak on things you know nothing about, so pick a book and read maybe it will help, you are never to old to learn sharing is caring. Reading is Fundamental

On Pinder urges minimum wage of $350 a week

Posted 13 February 2015, 6:52 p.m. Suggest removal