Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

Referring to a 42-year-old adult as if he lacks decision-making capacity is a clear indication of the family's detachment from reality. The assertion that Taylor intentionally caught a smuggling boat to disappear is dismissed by the family as an "illogical, crazy theory." However, this scenario is not uncommon and occurs daily in this region.

This kind of dismissive attitude is precisely why the community's interest in Taylor's case has waned. The family's assertion that "the most likely scenario is that Taylor is deceased and the body is in the ocean" does not provide closure or substantial evidence. It's a convenient narrative that lacks concrete support. The possibilities that Taylor might have reached the ocean by intention, accident, or foul play are as speculative as any other theory presented.

If I were Taylor, I might have chosen to distance myself from such a dismissive and narrow-minded family. The notion that Taylor could have chosen to escape a toxic environment rather than play along with a potential ploy for sympathy or financial gain seems just as plausible.

It's crucial for the family to acknowledge all potential scenarios and work with authorities openly and transparently. Dismissing plausible theories without thorough consideration only hampers the investigation and alienates those willing to help.

IslandWarrior says...

The case of the missing 42-year-old male transvestite, Mr Taylor, has certainly raised numerous concerns and scepticism within the Bahamian community. The family's refusal to consider alternative scenarios regarding his disappearance has only fueled suspicion and mistrust.

**Several key points need to be addressed:**

**Suspicion and Secrecy:** The family's behaviour, marked by secrecy and a refusal to consider various possibilities, has naturally led to doubts about the authenticity of their claims. This has not only alienated potential supporters but also hindered authorities' efforts to conduct a thorough investigation.

***Alternative Scenarios:***

**Escape from Personal Issues:** It is plausible that Mr. Taylor may have chosen to distance himself from familial or personal issues, seeking solace or a fresh start away from his current life.

**Involvement with Drugs:** Given the high incidence of drug addiction in Chicago and Mr. Taylor’s background, it is conceivable that he may have fallen into substance abuse. This could explain his disappearance and potentially point to his involvement in drug-related activities.

**Public Image and Resources:** While the family's insistence on presenting a female image of Mr Taylor to the public is understandable from a personal and familial perspective, it might not be practical in terms of locating him. Sharing a male likeness could be more effective in broadening the search efforts, despite the family's concerns about potential backlash against the LGBT community.

**Cuban Jail Scenario:** The suggestion that Mr. Taylor could be in a Cuban jail is not unfounded. Given the history of Bahamians found in Cuban jails due to drug trafficking or other misunderstandings, it would be prudent for the family to contact Cuban authorities. This approach could potentially yield vital information about Mr. Taylor's whereabouts.

**Community and Law Enforcement Response:** The scepticism among Bahamians, law enforcement, and potential helpers stems from the family's handling of the situation. Transparency and a willingness to explore all avenues are crucial in garnering support and assistance from the community and authorities.

> While the family's concerns and
> motivations are understandable; their
> approach may be counterproductive in
> the search for Mr Taylor. A more open
> and cooperative stance, considering
> all possible scenarios and engaging
> with local and international
> authorities, particularly in Cuba,
> could significantly improve the
> chances of locating Mr Taylor.

The broader community's support hinges on the family's transparency and willingness to address all potential leads without bias or preconceived notions.

IslandWarrior says...

Again, Please Answer this one question:-

Is there a photo of the missing transvestite person resembling a male that is available to the local public so that the person you want to portray as a female, if walking around Nassau as a "man," would be easily identified as the missing person?

Èske gen yon foto ki sanble ak moun transvesti ki disparèt la kòm yon gason ki disponib pou piblik lokal la, pou ke moun ou vle reprezante kòm yon fanm, si li t ap mache nan Nassau tankou yon "gason," ta fasil idantifye kòm moun ki disparèt la?

Y a-t-il une photo de la personne transvestie disparue ressemblant à un homme qui soit disponible pour le public local, afin que la personne que vous souhaitez représenter comme une femme, si elle marchait dans Nassau comme un "homme," soit facilement identifiée comme la personne disparue?

IslandWarrior says...

Read the fine print (For White USofA Citizens) Only.

IslandWarrior says...

The recent news report indicates that around 8:00 p.m., police, acting on information, arrived at an abandoned structure on Seventh Terrace and discovered a male body in a state of decomposition. A post-mortem examination will be performed to determine the exact cause of death.

At this time, the identity of the deceased person remains unknown. This incident underscores the importance of proper identification procedures for missing persons. In a related case, a person reported missing in the Bahamas, identified as Taylor, is a transvestite—referred to as a woman but biologically a man. This has caused confusion among the police and the public.

> Although Taylor is presented by the
> family as female, he is, in fact, a
> 42-year-old male.

Consequently, when a deceased male body is found, it complicates the identification process due to the conflicting presentation of Taylor's gender identity by his family. This highlights the challenges faced in such cases and the need for accurate identification to resolve them effectively.

IslandWarrior says...

You are an idiot, just mouthing off Homo Hot Air; there is no future for homosexuality in the Bahamas. So what even scam you all are trying to plot in the Bahamas will all fail, and if you push, we will push back. It is foolish that the Yoga Retreat is responsible for a grown man's movement ...stupidness.

IslandWarrior says...

Okay, now I understand. You have a disposition and trouble comprehending simple English, so I'm not surprised.

When I mentioned "Dismount Your Donkey," I referred to the biblical passage in Numbers 22:21-39 (New International Version) about Balaam’s talking donkey.

Additionally, my request was straightforward: I asked for a recent photo of Mr. Taylor's male likeness. There was no mention or implication of any agenda.

IslandWarrior says...

Why would a 100-year-old Yoga Retreat, an international institution managed by Americans (not Bahamians), mistreat a fellow American? Your claim seems unfounded, and you are grasping at straws. If the concern were genuine, you or the family could have already published a true likeness of the person in one of the two major Bahamian publications. It's time to come clean and make amends with Taylor, as it is evident there are unresolved personal issues between Taylor and his family.

Furthermore, stop passing judgment on the Bahamas, as you may mistakenly see it as an easy target. If this is another scam, I pray that our authorities deal with you all accordingly.

IslandWarrior says...

Please dismount your high horse for a moment. "She is tall, 5ft 10, extremely thin, 150 lbs, with light brown skin and an American accent. She would stand out on any of the Bahama Islands." This description represents approximately 40% of the 30,000 visitors to the Bahamas each day. Your description also aligns with many Bahamians from Nassau and our family islands, highlighting your ignorance about the Bahamas.

If a person is weary of people trying to push a 42-year-old man in a direction and lifestyle that he now rejects, along with an overbearing mother who still perceives him as "her child" or "daughter," understandably, frustration could lead to actions such as ditching the phone.

I will repeat this: you are projecting an image of a female conforming to your homosexual narrative. While the Bahamian public is being asked to assist, there is a noticeable stubbornness and refusal to acknowledge that while you uphold a narrative to support your agenda, Mr Taylor's reality may currently not align with your expectations and the image you want to project. Therefore, I urge you again to reconsider your stance and acknowledge the potential disconnect from what you perceive as reality, which may differ from Mr. Taylor's current experience.

IslandWarrior says...

A Visitor is Missing

The alarm was raised when a 42-year-old visitor was reported missing after leaving his last known location at a Yoga Retreat on Paradise Island. It is believed that he may have intentionally left his phone behind due to personal family issues and has chosen not to be disturbed.

Despite extensive searches conducted by resort staff, security personnel, and local authorities, the visitor remains unlocated.

Security protocols have been heightened, and all entry and exit points are being closely monitored. Visitors and staff are requested to report any sightings or information that may assist in locating the individual. The management is taking all necessary steps to ensure the safety and well-being of all guests and visitors.

Further updates will be provided when the family offers more information to authorities and concerned locals. There remains a dark shadow regarding the true identity of this individual, who is a transvestite male or biological male.