Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

Brother, one side of the same coin; no matter how you look at it, they are all gangsters, pimping the Bahamian People down to their last penny.

IslandWarrior says...

> He said three other payment providers
> were ultimately contracted for the
> task, including Cash N'Go, whose
> owners include now-deputy prime
> minister Chester Cooper. The others
> were Money Maxx and Sun Cash. "The
> facts are there are at least three
> other service providers and I could
> go through the names of the additional
> service providers," added Mr Pintard.

'Cool' gangsters, murderers and pimps, the Bahamian People would be fools to reelect any of them.

IslandWarrior says...

The 'cat' is out of the box in Christendom;

The current cultural shift has resulted in a departure from traditional gender roles, which emphasized softness, comfort, nurturing, and support for men, and began with women exhibiting a range of qualities and behaviours that challenged these roles. While some women still embody traditionally feminine traits, many are now competing with men in job and relationship spaces, resulting in a more masculine shift in some cases. Additionally, some women may develop an attraction to other women who are not of the kind themselves and may exhibit traditionally feminine traits, which can be viewed as an extreme deviation from traditional gender roles.

> So While here in the Bahamas, we are
> concerned about "gender-neutral
> language", The world is sliding deeper
> into a dark, slippery slope with all
> the gender and paedophilia craziness.
> Shocking is the protests all over
> Europe as 'zoophiles' demand the right
> to have sex and relationships with
> animals in their countries. Spain’s
> new Animal Welfare Law that
> decriminalises sex with animals - this
> is a whole new level of crazy.

IslandWarrior says...

If I were you, I would have your receptors checked immediately because your interpretation of my comments is misconstrued to mean 'fear' of some sort, which is not the case. My critique of the American Ambassador's presentation was merely an observation of the historical trend of Americans spreading 'their accepted norms' worldwide. With our society now open to the "beast", fighting to protect the Bahamas from any harmful influence from the United States is crucial.

IslandWarrior says...

I endorse the report advocating for reforms in the public sector, which includes the following recommendations:

(1) Each Ministry's Permanent Secretary must be qualified to head their respective departments.
(2) A Permanent Secretary and their immediate family members should submit annual financial reports.
(3) A Permanent Secretary must take responsibility for any failures or unaccounted-for activities that occur within their department or ministry, and they should be accountable to their superiors.
(4) The Permanent Secretary should not allow their political or religious beliefs to influence their decisions when interacting with the public. Any confidential information entrusted to their ministry must remain confidential.

> In addition to the previous
> recommendations, it is crucial to note
> that any breach of the public trust by
> a Permanent Secretary should be
> answerable in a court of law. It is
> essential to ensure that public
> officials are held accountable for
> their actions and that justice is
> served to maintain the public's trust
> in the government. Therefore,
> appropriate legal consequences should
> be in place to address any wrongdoing
> by a Permanent Secretary or any public
> official.

IslandWarrior says...

Prepare to update your LGBTQ+ Glossary when the United States becomes involved at this level. Brave demonstrated that the Bahamas could be easily influenced due to his pledge adherence to a 'rules-based system' and support for (the baby killer Zelenskyy), the 'Butcher of Ukrainian' who is responsible for countless deaths. Consequently, the Bahamas is now susceptible to various schisms. Inevitably, we will start to hear criticisms about China's presence in our country, but the most crucial fight is protecting the Bahamas from the harmful influence of the United States.

IslandWarrior says...

If a country drives on the left but imports vehicles from countries that drive on the right, and we do not align the headlights, I can empathize with your feelings of confusion and frustration.

IslandWarrior says...

It is noteworthy that the previous Christie administration had initiated a public-private partnership (PPP1) to construct a state-of-the-art administration building and vehicle inspection centre consisting of four main buildings, including an administration complex, a technical support and facilities management building, a vehicle inspection centre, and storage and maintenance areas. The project, which was expected to be completed in December 2018, was halted by the Minnis administration due to concerns about PPP arrangements made by the previous administration involving a $5 million payment.

While Works Minister Desmond Bannister criticized the PPP arrangements made by his predecessors, he commended the Road Traffic Department arrangement as a model for executing such projects in his budget debate speech last year. However, there is no mention of a meeting at Britely Restaurant & Bar, Eneas St off Poinciana Drive Nassau, Bahamas, where the current Brave administration met with the owner of PTI Bahamas/DACS and promised the group members, who later met with him at his office when he was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works, that their proposal to relaunch the Road Traffic Department would be considered. Brave later informed them that their detailed proposal, including samples and catalogues, went missing. Despite diligent efforts by the late Mr Bruce Walker to locate the missing package, other officials claimed to have seen it but could not recall what happened to it.

> It was later announced that the
> Christie administration had partnered
> with PPP1, The bfg ppp Ventures I
> Limited (PPP1), linked to the
> then-Exuma MP, Chester Cooper. The
> project was expected to include a
> "world-class, 30,000-square-foot
> administrative facility, vehicle
> inspection bays with full car lifts,
> and accommodations for a
> state-of-the-art information
> technology system," according to a
> Nassau Guardian report, a few months
> after the pti/dacs proposal went
> missing.

Although an updated and refined version of the offer was submitted to the Minnis/Turnquest administration and went to Cabinet, the administration had other cronyism plans. Thus, if the project is eventually completed and a new Road Traffic Department is established, it would undoubtedly be a step in the right direction for the country's development. However, it raises concerns about the government's integrity and treatment of Bahamians who invest years in an initiative only to have it stolen by the corruption that plagues the government.

The proposals by the Bahamas Automobile Safety and Inspection Centre Ltd were first submitted to the Government in 2014 in response to the bidding process for modernizing the vehicle licensing process that Data Torque ultimately won. Vehicle licence plate manufacturing was handed to the Department of Correctional Services (Fox Hill prison) in 2016 in partnership with US firm John R. Wald Company.

IslandWarrior says...

...and I hope we are not sending money over in support of the little 'murderous' freak.

On Ukraine support from PM

Posted 28 February 2023, 7:31 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

> What kinda 'Jackass' this guy is I
> could understand that 'Brave' holding
> a credulous position due to (The
> Bahamas) dependence on the US, but for
> God's sack, tune the ass sucking down,
> and please don't speak for me. Ukraine
> is a cesspool of Natzi hate, and The
> Bahamas should remain neutral in the
> conflict.

On Ukraine support from PM

Posted 28 February 2023, 6:30 p.m. Suggest removal