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IslandWarrior says...

***While 'Brave' starts to show his intentions of setting up The Bahamas as a 'Totalitarian State, Bahamians have lost confidence in his leadership and trust in his administration, and the call for 'New Elections' is getting louder.***

IslandWarrior says...

You got my attention; what did I miss?

IslandWarrior says...

Next, we will hear how rogue China and The Chinese Army are for defending its sovereignty (Taiwan) because the Americans say so.

IslandWarrior says...

...considering the explosion of 'new go zones' now being proposed in our country and a police force that is nothing better than a private 'goon squad' for the tyrannical political class, we may already be there where rafts are needed.

IslandWarrior says...

Who is Brave speaking for? He has brought The Bahama's already disgraced name to another low. The greater Caribbean Community agreed to stay neutral in Russia's (NATO) Ukraine conflict. Now we have this dark shame attached to the name of the Caribbean People and The Bahamas. There are many quarters the 'Brave' is not speaking for; it is not the desire of many Bahamians to be labelled as a vessel state of the West and to have the Prime Minister of The Bahamas seen as a credulous puppet.

Are these the terms the Canadian 'Freak' Prime Minister Justin Trudeau laid down for his 'empty pledge'?

Caribbean People are not 'mindless fools'; we are well-read and quite aware of why The Russian Federation resolved to enter Ukraine in defence of the Russian-speaking Ukrainians. For 70+ years, we have seen these same leaders sit by as Palestinians are mowed down like weed, making way for another extremist grouping, and the world acts in quiet acceptance.

Not in my name, 'Brave', not in my name.

IslandWarrior says...

Yet the aspiration of the 'foreigners' is guaranteed, and often served on a golden plater, while Bahamians in his own country are labelled as "overly optimistic", super!

IslandWarrior says...

The Bahamas is where the 'Dreams' of Bahamians go to die.

IslandWarrior says...

Following his address, Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis, who is also the chairman of caricom, thanked Mr Trudeau for his empathy and commitment to addressing regional issues of concern and “putting your money where your mouth is”.

$44m in funding to aid Caribbean countries in the fight against climate change
$1.8m in support for the further strengthening of border and maritime security in the Caribbean.
$12.3m in humanitarian assistance for Haiti
$10m to support the International Office on Migration to support Haitian migrants.

$68 million in pledges; let's remember these are only pledges, a drop in the bucket for an ocean of problems.

Considering the following: “In 2022, repatriation flights cost us $1,506,077.10. Thus far, for 2023, 570 persons were repatriated to their homelands during the month of January, the majority of which were Cuba and Haiti. That is 167 Cubans, and 368 Haitian nationals. This was done at a cost of $68,768.17,” Mr Bell said.

Yet! Trudeau, announced that Canada will provide $500 million in additional military assistance for Ukraine; this commitment builds on the $500 million in military aid for Ukraine announced in Budget 2022 and will go toward military, surveillance, and communications equipment, fuel, and medical supplies.

There is nothing serious about these people; Trudeau committed over $1 billion worth of military aid to Ukraine, a political (waste) while a true-to-life battle unfolds in the Caribbean where "Pledges" are given.

IslandWarrior says...

If you claim that Bahamians exercising their right to protest is an "ideological pit, " we are in a more profound crisis, much bigger than our 'immigration siege.' Yet, for issues of national importance, regardless if it is Mr Lincoln, Milo, Lynden or Christy, any concerned Bahamian would, at his minimum, support the voices speaking out in protest to the country's present threat and not resort to some philosophical self-pandering to justify your apathetic position.

IslandWarrior says...

Here living among us 'Still' is your classic 'traitor', a sellout, the kind of person who sees the fight by Bahamians for their rights in the Bahamas which is being sold out to foreign investors who are creating more and more 'no-go' zone for Bahamians in their own country and it's all ok to DreamerX, the current Bahamas is founded on protest, by from reading your post there can only be one of two conclusions, (you have no historical reference or connection to the Bahamas or a class of Bahamian still harbouring a colonial mentality)

Bahamians must wake up more to those among us who mean us ill will and are indifferent to the abuses and disenfranchisement that is developing for Bahamians.