Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

My question is: how sound is our sovereignty, and how safe are we economically in our own country under the Brave/Cooper (PLP) Administration? Are our way of life, freedoms and security as Bahamians threatened?

Please someone Answer:

IslandWarrior says...

At what cost to Bahamians:

FATF 40 Recommendations
Recommendation 1: Assessing risks and applying a risk-based approach * Hits: 39133
Recommendation 2: National cooperation and coordination Hits: 11777
Recommendation 3: Money laundering offence Hits: 19537
Recommendation 4: Confiscation and provisional measures Hits: 9280
Recommendation 5: Terrorist financing offence Hits: 12498
Recommendation 6: Targeted financial sanctions related to terrorism and terrorist financing Hits: 16762
Recommendation 7: Targeted financial sanctions related to proliferation Hits: 18375
Recommendation 8: Non-profit organisations Hits: 18420
Recommendation 9: Financial institution secrecy laws Hits: 8972
Recommendation 10: Customer due diligence Hits: 91208
Recommendation 11: Record-keeping Hits: 15775
Recommendation 12: Politically exposed persons Hits: 19934
Recommendation 13: Correspondent banking Hits: 21695
Recommendation 14: Money or value transfer services Hits: 11753
Recommendation 15: New technologies Hits: 17922
Recommendation 16: Wire transfers Hits: 77804
Recommendation 17: Reliance on third parties Hits: 24085
Recommendation 18: Internal controls and foreign branches and subsidiaries Hits: 16816
Recommendation 19: Higher-risk countries Hits: 18279
Recommendation 20: Reporting of suspicious transactions Hits: 24702
Recommendation 21: Tipping-off and confidentiality Hits: 13776
Recommendation 22: DNFBPs: customer due diligence Hits: 16826
Recommendation 23: DNFBPs: Other measures Hits: 10926
Recommendation 24: Transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons Hits: 28369
Recommendation 25: Transparency and beneficial ownership of legal arrangements Hits: 15775
Recommendation 26: Regulation and supervision of financial institutions Hits: 14405
Recommendation 27: Powers of supervisors Hits: 7166
Recommendation 28: Regulation and supervision of DNFBPs Hits: 11874
Recommendation 29: Financial intelligence units Hits: 19701
Recommendation 30: Responsibilities of law enforcement and investigative authorities Hits: 11119
Recommendation 31: Powers of law enforcement and investigative authorities Hits: 8879
Recommendation 32: Cash couriers Hits: 13871
Recommendation 33: Statistics Hits: 9108
Recommendation 34: Guidance and feedback Hits: 7862
Recommendation 35: Sanctions Hits: 9906
Recommendation 36: International instruments Hits: 6620
Recommendation 37: Mutual legal assistance Hits: 8099
Recommendation 38: Mutual legal assistance: freezing and confiscation Hits: 7742
Recommendation 39: Extradition Hits: 7362
Recommendation 40: Other forms of international cooperation

IslandWarrior says...

**I can not disagree with any of your points.**

**********************Land of The Rising Sun*************************

The Needs of The Country And its People Have Exceeded The Current Political Ideology. From 1967 to Now! How Have We Progressed As a People? What Opportunities Have We Missed, Mistakes Made, And How Do We Look Back at The Past 50 Years, And Move Forward To The Next 50 Years?

Can The Colonial Footing That Created The Old Bahamas Sustain a Future Bahamas? Fundamental Social and Political Changes Are Needed For The Bahamas to Regain Its Once Held Position of Glory That Made Us All Hold Our Heads High and Proud To Be Called Bahamians?

IslandWarrior says...

'I hear fraud' in the Baha Mar/CCA (Bahamas) settlement with Bahamian Contractors and Subcontractors, some of whom were told by CCA (Bahamas) Officials that it was impossible to pay Bahamian Contractors due to the ongoing Baha Mar Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection court hearing in Delaware. If this story is accurate, then Contractors were bamboozled by CCA (Bahamas) into agreeing to settlement payments that were less than 50 per cent of the amount owed for works completed at Baha Mar Resort. With funds available to settle with Bahamians in full' CCA (Bahamas) should do the right thing and pay those Bahamian Contractors and Subcontractors.

***Baha Mar was another mess created under a PLP Administration; these guys must have a magnet for corruption and confusion.***

IslandWarrior says...

I hear fraud

IslandWarrior says...

**Land of The Rising Sun**

The unreal horror of life in the Bahamas for Bahamians is nothing more than laughable if not; we will all sit down and cry. Politicians are so busy, in a frenzy, building their egos (and using their privileged positions of office), exposing themselves to the compromise of opportunities brought into the country by foreigners, benefiting themselves, family, and friends, and an elite class of wealthy Bahamian Families to the decline of everyone else.

At the same time, merchants, law enforcement, and public officials enjoy a painful orgy of abusing Bahamians through their corruption and evil economic practices. The disappointments of broken campaign promises and the heartbreaking 'run' played on Bahamians perpetrated by politicians every five years have cheapened the life and culture we once knew and enjoyed as Bahamians.

Our safety, comforts and growth are now irrelevant to pursuing shortsighted self-interest. While more and more Bahamians have become numb to the decay and suffering in The Bahamas, we now call life.

*The Needs of The Country And its People Have Exceeded The Current Political Ideology. From 1967 to Now! How Have We Progressed As a People? What Opportunities Have We Missed, Mistakes Made, And How Do We Look Back at The Past 50 Years, And Move Forward To The Next 50 Years?
Can The Colonial Footing That Created The Old Bahamas Sustain a Future Bahamas? Fundamental Social and Political Changes Are Needed For The Bahamas to Regain Its Once Held Position of Glory That Made Us All Hold Our Heads High and Proud To Be Called Bahamians?*

On Minister urges greater caution on the roads

Posted 17 December 2022, 7:05 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Well, like any other 'receiving case', it's about the crime, not the money. And it's starting to look like it's true that 'A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots' and someone in the Davis Administration will have to fall to his sword to save the Bahamas and the Davis Administration from this shame.-

'what you sayin Drave', cat gat yah tongue? 🧐

IslandWarrior says...

Bahamians know the history of what has happened to FTX after the shameful collapse in the Bahamas; however, the question for Bahamians that Attorney General Ryan Pinder has not addressed is 'how did the Bahamas not see the fake in FTX? Where was the oversight, and why was the office of The Prime Minister of our country the face of this scam? We don't need history lessons and meaningless sermons; Bahamians want to know why the close involvement of so many influential Bahamians is seen as 'special treatment for FTX. Where was the due diligence for these guys, spending millions when Bahamians in his own country can't spend $5,000 before the police are called or Bahaamians with Business Proposals are shown the door, disrespected, and emails go unanswered? It is best to stop the distraction and come clean because the truth will come out, as it always does.


******The Needs of The Country And its People Have Exceeded The Current Political Ideology. From 1967 - Now! How Have We Progressed As a People? What Opportunities Have We Missed, Mistakes Made, And How Do We Look Back at The Past 50 Years, And Move Forward To The Next 50 Years?
Can The Colonial Footing That Created The Old Bahamas Sustain a Future Bahamas? Fundamental Changes Are Needed For The Bahamas to Regain Its Once Held Position of Glory, Glory That Made 'Bahamians' Hold Their Heads High and Proud To Be Called Bahamians?******

On AG says govt did not seize assets from FTX

Posted 27 November 2022, 11:26 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

***'Tip Tip' Money, Money, Money, the PLP is back; if you don't pay, you don't play; the PLP is back.***

IslandWarrior says...

"Expulsis piratis restituta commercia" (Pirates expelled, commerce restored) this declaration may have never happened, they are Pirates after all.