Comment history

IslandWarrior says...

The new DPM is on the right track but there is a much bigger picture that is being totally overlooked and well documented.

The Bahamian fishing sector in 2015 contributed 1.2 per cent of GDP (USD 96 million). In 2017, 4 people were reported as employed in aquaculture and 9 000 in occasional fishing.

In The Bahamas, Researchers did a separate analysis for the tourism-driven fisheries catch. They added the non-resident recreational catch to an estimate of tourist consumption of commercial seafood, which was based on a survey they conducted of hotels. They estimated a tourism-driven catch of 662,000 metric tons, 75 per cent of the total catch for The Bahamas. 662000 t = 1459460175.6639 lb @ an average selling price of $5 per lb = $ ..." take a set" $7,297,300,878.32 and that's billion with a B.

The cost for a fishing license is USD $5 per day, USD $20 per month or USD $60 for an annual license.

On DPM: Yachting fees ‘unconscionably’ low

Posted 29 October 2021, 10:12 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Yep, The Bahamas and the hate it has for its People.
Sí, las Bahamas y su odio por su gente.
Oui, les Bahamas et leur haine pour leur peuple.

IslandWarrior says...

On Discussion on vote process

Posted 20 October 2021, 6:46 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Just another day in Bahama Land, where citizens are disrespected, marginalized and taken for granted. In a system that patronizes a culture of corruption, incompetency and outright self-hating bias, that sees anything Bahamian as not deserving or something to detest. How long must we hear from public servants "not now, ain't ready and come back? How many emails go unanswered, phone calls not returned or files lost. At the same time, they are serving privileged people with tenacity and vigour seeking only to benefit financially from a paid employment service-caring nothing for the damage incurred through their selfish, careless actions.
Just another day in Bahama Land, where a few benefits and if you are Black, go back.

On Golden Girls’ gift also held up by govt

Posted 19 October 2021, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

There is nothing untoward with this man's efforts to complete his home for his family. All of his processes and procedures and his communications with the two "top offices" in the country are laid out clearly for all to see. It's a simple case of bad service that has decayed this country, and where there is a lack of accountability; you find chaos; in a country where a D Grade is the accepted standard, what more do you expect.

On I ran for my country - only to be left behind

Posted 19 October 2021, 12:55 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Typical fool, whose head is buried deep up his backside; the Bahamas as a culture has dishonoured and disrespected Bahamians or anything Bahamian for as long as I can remember. If not Smokie 007, Elisha Obed (may he rest in peace) was a Bahamian light middleweight boxer. He is the Bahamas only world champion in boxing, and what we did to him is the same neglect and disrespect that continues.

Bahamians are no different from the other Black communities where some see no wrong when our brother is being ill-treated, neglected, or outright disrespected and taken advantage of. We never know the evil, the prejudice and the cultural grudge that defines us and deprives us.

So if you are offended by my truth, then I can only say you must be of the very few who have no eyes to see that we live in a society of privilege, where the colour of your skin can determine if you eat and do not eat; if some of us receive service or don't receive assistance, but sir/madam step from your painted glass and open your eyes and see.

On I ran for my country - only to be left behind

Posted 19 October 2021, 12:24 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Welcome to the life of a Bahamian in his own country, but there is hope; ask one of your "white and foreign" friends to act on your behalf (with a bit of tip on the side) and watch how fast you can get things done in the Bahamas - yes, we are still privileged to serve "white and foreign" while killing the dreams of our brothers. IF it's any comfort, where I live, we waited two years (and a change of Government) to have the street lights repaired, and this is the same neighbourhood where former Works Minister Desmond Bannister lives.

On I ran for my country - only to be left behind

Posted 18 October 2021, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

> as a matter of urgency

IslandWarrior says...

I can't believe I would just read this article as an exact experience that many local investors have experienced with the Minnis (and the former Christie) Administration, including my group who presented a 50 Million Dollar Project to modernize a government department completely.

I can share the exact story of our interaction (or lack thereof) from the same-named government officials who give the exact "inventions", know that you would eventually get fed up and abandon your efforts this is unbelievable:

Joshua Sears,
* The Prime Minister’s Senior Policy Adviser,

David Davis,
* Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office,

Kwasi Thompson,
* Minister for Grand Bahama.

Only in the Bahamas do we break down each other while giving hotels concessions, tax breaks and concessionary terms to foreigners; but a Bahamian, "you need to run", "get away from here", "who he thinks he is", "my Bro I have no time for you".

The view related to Bahamians entering an area at an industrial level is incomprehensible by the policy and administrative elements in the Bahamas, somewhat willing and unwilling a Bahamian should limit themselves to the concept of doing business in the "backyard" as a people, regardless. And only foreigners are blessed with such a privilege of industrial development in the Bahamas, as was my recent experience with this government.

To further complicate matters, we view each other with suspicion and, again by culture, limit our collective strengths to make the necessary change or have a voice. Then we will sit by in our comfort corner of passiveness, only complaining when politicians kill dreams. We teardown but do not help each other up; we think the worse but will never give a word of encouragement. We kill the dreams of our brother while polishing the dreams of others; like so many areas where Bahamians should have the exclusive right of engagement, this too is threatened.

The Bahamian people ask one thing of their servants, "do your job". My face, my family name and how much you didn't like me when we attended high school, should not prevent you from respecting me and simply providing me with the service of government.

*There must be a legal resolve or a call for an international investigation where local officials are believed to be receiving protection payment from foreign investors, which are not far from what is usually the practice considering the recent Sandy Bottom Investigation.*

On Multi-billion treasure opportunity ‘stalled’

Posted 16 September 2021, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Old man, Fred's age, is starting to show; Bahamian Politics the "Fool's Game" allows for lies, exaggeration and propaganda; who knows this better than The Most Sr PLP Propagandist Fred, who over the 45 years that I have known him has told more lies and falsehood than a gay drunken sailor just in from 9 months at sea.

On ‘How does Minnis know poll count?’

Posted 14 September 2021, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal