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Islandgirl says...

Agreed. The oversight on the part of the bank is absolutely necessary. Whereas someone may go before the courts for stealing, even small amounts, some amongst the legal fraternity who get to slide under the radar after misappropriating client funds, and may or may nor pay restitution for money placed in their care but never arriving at their intended destiny or recipient. The Bar Association needs to address this first before attempting to bully the banks into changing their policies to suit them, the lawyers.

Islandgirl says...

Interesting question, however, irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Islandgirl says...

This is interesting. The Infectious Diseases Society of America’s just last weak published information that stated once again that hydroxychloroquine should not be used for treating patients with Covid 19 at all because of heart issues that may develop. But here it is being promoted again. With the Treating of some patients with augmentin, perhaps the patient also had a bacterial respiratory infection that that drug would have effectively treated. Covid 19 may also have been present at the same time which of course that antibiotic would not treat. A tilted And biased picture was presented in this claim. Zinc, vitamin d3 and vitamin c all help with prevention, recovery and treatment of Covid 19 symptoms. They are promoted all the time by almost every Traditional or natural doctor I know, especially with protecting against another Group of viruses we face regularly in the flu season. If those three things are taken Regularly for prevention purposes, and social distancing, hand washing, mask wearing are strictly done and enforced, we can beat this. Maybe a donation of a lung function test To the Rand should be in order along with heart testing machines. Going on all these shows and giving mostly credible information Is very good, but then sliding in these side slaps makes it not a good look. You have the means and there are other complaining persons of means too who can help in this way. If the government doesn’t fill in the needs then we all collectively should if we are able to and not just sit back slinging pot shots. The Port Authority too, since providing a hospital for Grand Bahama is one of its Responsibilities in their Hawksbill agreement. Stay humble. One more question, what about that pine needles bush tea you were promoting? Does it really work? You didn’t mention it this time.

Islandgirl says...

Thank God indeed. How did the ministry of health choose and approve these doctors in the first place? What was so special about the chosen ones? Prime minister said almost every doctor was on board with it, but apparently they were hand picked? What were the criteria used? Just in case they have to go this route in the future.

Islandgirl says...

Two healthy, progressive young men were in that place less than twenty four hours before they met their demise. Quite frankly, no one cares how many more tourists pass through Italy than through this country. It does not matter how old the system of law in Italy is. What we know is that two of our most promising youth died there under suspicious circumstances. We also know the scurrilous information put out by some publications in this much visited, long established European nation. We are also aware that all information has not been made available, including CCTV film. There has been a lot of racial tension and anti immigrant activity in Italy as well, though you fail to mention that. Now, given this fuller picture, it can be deduced that you are being deliberately obtuse in your conclusion above. We are not ignorant. Do not be insulting and presume us to be. Yes, we are smaller and younger, but it does not mean that we have to automatically and willingly accept any garbage flung at us. These are our people, and it would be indecent and just plain wrong to let this go based upon anybody’s rush to try paint a hasty picture and push everyone else to just move on.

Islandgirl says...

The only sin tax you all need to be implementing is that against the numbers houses. As already stated, alcohol and tobacco are already taxed to the hilt, and further taxation can weigh on an already suffering tourism product. You need to re-visit and re-structure what the last administration did regarding gambling; massively cut down the operations of the numbers men. Establish a national lottery. Then use the funds generated by that to pay for NHI since you all are hell bent on it. It is disgraceful that a handful of men should become billionaires off the disease of gambling at the expense of the country. When those people are broke since they used their last to spin, the rest of us are left to carry the bag for them. Changes to the very lopsided gambling industry would result in wins all around. The people who want to can still gamble, perhaps we can get the money laundering accusations associated with the gambling thing behind us as a nation, and the money generated through the government run lottery won't make citizens and legal residents hurt at all or feel they are being hit by the government with taxes again.

On ‘Sin tax’ sacrifice needed to fund NHI

Posted 21 February 2018, 2:34 a.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Are you paid enough for the garbage you spew on a daily basis? Let's take into consideration the attempted wholesale hijacking of these individuals' hard earned career; the hundreds of thousands of dollars that went in to their education, training and practice to now be absconded by this lousy government who wants to shove peanuts on them in return for their participating in an ill thought out scheme that actually puts people's lives on the line, and this is what you have to say? Are you the minister of labour, who referred to them as greedy doctors? The new wealthy man? I can't wait for the public disclosure of candidates' assets. Luckily I kept a copy of the 2012 version. I want to see how they line up, with public servants (and that is exactly what these MPs and cabinet ministers are) becoming incredibly wealthy in the span of five years and with the country in a deep depression. Special interest for the MP from West End and Bimini whose sole declared source of income was a $28,000.00 MP's salary prior to his party taking control of the government in 2012. getting back to your ill thought out comment, these are the best doctors. They have the training and experience and licensure to declare them so. Try this is with the accountants, lawyers, and numbers men. You are sickening.

Islandgirl says...

Congratulations mr christie. Rather than creating a national lottery where the proceeds would have benefited the entire country (assuming the funds did not go the way of road traffic and other money), you legalized a long illegal industry and did not first confiscate the funds that were previously made. This has led to the massive enrichment of a few individuals while introducing the disease of gambling that is adding to poverty in this country. You are robbing the physicians and laboratories and pharmacies of entrepreneurship and the opportunity of reaping the rewards of hard earned and time consuming degrees, literally trying to give away their skills, yet turn around and bless this mess. You have no conscience, no creed, and there is no longer any doubt. You need to go. The pirates were never expelled. They continue to thrive in this country.

On Island Luck eyes HQ at Montagu Hotel site

Posted 14 March 2017, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

It should not start at all. Doctors, you have to stand. This will be the end of your autonomy and ability to provide quality care. If you want to sacrifice your years of education, more than these lawyers and accountants, to be a slave to the government system, so be it. This is a mess, another production courtesy of Perry Gladstone Christie. Congratulations. Failure is your legacy.

Islandgirl says...

You took the words right from my fingertips. To the author of this letter: Seriously now: you would really rather have us under this geriatric, inept christie than see real change? I would honestly seriously consider the PLP if Alfred Sears is at the helm, but not the present 'leader'. You could try to diminish all you will, but the points of fact are that not all and sundry are eloquent speakers, but rather better at planning and executing plans. In going from Bain town to becoming an excellent physician and competent and successful business man, I think Minnis is that. He has assembled a credible, worthy team of candidates; not to the liking of some FNM party members, but necessary for the good governance of this country. Jeff Lloyd. Marvin Dames. Peter Turnquest. Duane Sands. All quality, and all experts in their various fields. He has put it together. Good with vocals he may not be, but putting together and implementing a good and sound plan? He is; and he has back up. Perry is a speaker, but look at what all his lovely words have gotten us. Four downgrades. Poverty gone to bed. Crippling taxes that they cannot account for: anyone know where the VAT dollars gone yet? Unemployment and crime at all time highs. Conflicts of interest, i.e. Bahamar. MPs who have become millionaires and very rich civil servants in the past four and a half years, and yes, civil servants are what they are. They are government workers, employed and paid for by us, the Bahamian taxpayers. The FNM needed a change in the status quo. Some just can't take it. Do not tear the whole party and ultimately country down because of your personal grievances. Those people in government today are straight, at least until government changes and investigations begin into their conduct and acquiring of much wealth while the rest of us suffered. Stability? Caring and compassionate leader? You cannot be serious. Put your personal grievances aside. Do you honestly think, with the state our country is in under these people's stewardship, that we are better off? How could you? Country above self, sir.

On PLP must stick with Christie

Posted 23 January 2017, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal