Comment history

Islandgirl says...

I do believe the PLP got into power because of a split in the electoral vote due to the creation of the DNA, combined with persons being paid to shuttle people who had no idea of the goings on in the country to the election halls in return for a small monetary compensation. I think it is past time that ALL Bahamians be allowed to vote, especially those of us who have been well educated and trained and WANT to return home but have no choice but to stay in a foreign land in order to economically survive. They have much to contribute to the uplifting and true building of this nation, but are prevented from doing so. How can one return with a Master's Degree, a Doctorate degree and have to work as a delivery driver? Some of our most brilliant minds remain abroad and likely will continue to be with the way things are in this place. This "cesspool of criminality" did not come about overnight. Go at least thirty years back when drugs ran rampantly through this land with the approval of the government, and see how the values and morals of individuals in this country changed. Remember the state of this country prior to a blessed change in government in 1992 when you said nothing against the government for fear of repercussion ( you, your family and your friends lost jobs, denied basic rights, and were treated like the "scum" referred to simply because you stood up for what was right), and we were known world wide as a moral-less, cocaine filled nation, when hotel rooms were virtually being given away to have people come here. We don't want to "get used to" this garbage that exists in our country. We want it better. There is no reason that it shouldn't be, other than the Animal Farm mentality that once again has reared its ugly head and the label of "traitor" and "scum bag", peppered with profanity, ascribed to those who dare to speak out against the piling injustices here. We refuse to return to those "cesspool" days. We will speak out. Now you get used to that, and deal with that.

Islandgirl says...

So, in addition to doing due diligence with ruling out a connection to the case with GBPA and GBDC, are the police going to BTC to get ahold of the phone records? If he was receiving death threats, does BTC have the technology available to backtrack where those calls came from? I agree with Publius. The girlfriend likely knows more than what she is publicly saying. The killer knew their routine and used that to gun him down. You know she is in danger. When they do find the person or persons responsible for this, I hope the appropriate punishment is given. Death. It was a well thought out and inhumane act. They should be legally put down in a well thought fashion too. They should be made an example of and lately there have been too many unsolved murders. The murderers are growing bolder.

Islandgirl says...

What is happening in my country?!?!? These individuals are animals. Hunt them down, and when certain that these are the perpetrators do what you would to any animal that slaughters a human being. Put them down. They are destroying this nation. Oh My God. This cannot be swept under the rug. In Grand Bahama people have long been suffering, and as soon as you see light, like with the recent increase in tourism numbers, you have something like this happening? No. Stamp it out now. Get international help and stop relying on your pride PM and Minister of National Security. All of our well being and futures and security are under siege. Get off your duffs and do something.

On Bound, robbed and shot dead

Posted 9 April 2014, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

This was a very refreshing change from the usual revisionist history we are exposed to. The sad part is, there are many stories like this, so numerous are the persons who fought for this country and stood up against a dishonest leader and were punished for it. I am surprised at Mr. Christie, seeing as he knows first hand what you got when you stood up against Lynden Pindling. This is why we as a nation will never move forward. The best among us are always turned away and often in hostile fashion by the least cultured or qualified among us. Mr. Christie, to us you are known for naming things only while building, achieving and accomplishing nothing. Why don't you change that and clean up and correct the wrongs like this? Start by changing the name of the gateway into this country back to Nassau International Airport. You know well and good what an absolute affront that new name is to a large number of Bahamians who were subjected to treatment just like this and worse. We too should count for something. Stop hiding and prettying up what this man was and what he turned this party and country into. You and others have done this nation a great disservice by hiding the truth, revising history and not learning from the abominations inflicted on those who dared to speak out against the injustices and cruelty wreaked by the unqualified few who were drunk with power. Act Mr Christie and think for a change. No new Parliamentary buiiding or Prime Minister mansion for a country that is broke and on its knees and has been taught to idolize a man with feet of clay. Do better Christie.

Islandgirl says...

Have Dame Marguerite deed the Pindling mansion as a gift to the Bahamian people, that is to be used as the Prime Minister's official residence. After the mess this country turned into after the drug running years, it is the least she can do. We don't owe her like she declared during a speech many years ago. It's the other way around.

On Time for a new Parliament?

Posted 28 March 2014, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Attitudes like yours are exactly why our country continues to sink. What an ingrate.

On 400 jobs may go, warns store owner

Posted 3 March 2014, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

And yet they continue to increase the amount one has to pay and delay the age at which one should be paid. Why can't I have the option of proving that I am placing an amount of money equivalent to that required by NIB in a private pension fund so that when I need MY money, or I am ready to retire I can have MY money, or when I die, my children can get all my money? Stop wasting our money man!

Islandgirl says...

This is a horrific way for anybody to die. Hopefully they have the FBI in on this. This truly sounds like a very personal vendetta carried out by an angry person, and I doubt the murderer was local. IN any case, not good for our country. May Mr. Welch rest in peace and condolences to his family.

On Victim bound and murdered

Posted 27 January 2014, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Are we going to waste more time and money? The treasury, according to the government, is "broke"...In the almost two years you people have been joking around with this, you haven't discovered all the information you wanted?

On Wilson: Minnis to get 'day in court' on BTC

Posted 27 January 2014, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Correct me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that the medical facilities and private practice physicians have to pay fees not only to the Port Authority, but to the Central Government itself, in essence double fees. How can this be right? For the rest of us in general, perhaps there should be a re-structuring not only to have a one-stop licencing facility, but in the way those licences are granted and the fees assessed. Seriously, between the gargantuan licencing fees for business that the Port imposes, and the monstrous power bills from GBPA, it is hard to open as well as keep a business going in Freeport. For many reasons, the Port cannot be allowed absolute autonomy; we already suffer from this, as the government itself takes a hands off approach when it comes to dealing with this issue, except when it comes to collecting taxes. That is when they are all over us. The Port answers to no one, and we feel helpless here. Where are the persons who should protect us from this? Minister of Grand Bahama, shouldn't this, in fact, be the mandate of your portfolio? This Port is the biggest thing that separates us from the rest of the country, and probably the largest contributor to why the island is in the state that it is in. Rather than dabbling in urban renewal and every other ministry, take a hold of and fix this.