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Islandgirl says...

Correct me if I am wrong but, how is it that other companies were in this building for all those years and we never heard of this problem there? Just curious.

On Experts say mould harmless

Posted 28 March 2013, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Agreed. There should be no willingness to reward criminal behaviour. That sort of thinking has contributed greatly to the mess we find ourselves in today.

Islandgirl says...

Absolutely true. Mr. Major is a non-credit, to be polite, to this position. Who is surprised? If the country, and the history records, were denied the privilege of hearing the departing remarks of Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham by this "highly educated" individual because he doubted the authenticity of the gentleman's resignation, why then should he respect opposition party members? These people who some among us voted to place in power try their best to revise history. Regardless of whether Major strikes remarks from the records that are factual yet unfavourable to this government, and the fact that yes, his actions are clearly biased, fortunately for us we have archives of the proceedings via the parliamentary channel. Not all of us are ignorant or uninformed, or are dedicated to remaining in the dark. 2017 cannot come fast enough. Major, pull together those brain cells and do the job you were selected to do in an unbiased fashion. History will note what a "genius" you were. Yes, the speaker should be an independent party with no political affiliations. The chances of that happening under this disorganized, haphazard, chaotic "government"? Zilch

On complaints of speaker bias

Posted 8 March 2013, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

How does this flat rate business licence fee affect Freeport, or will it? Mine is currently almost three thousand dollars per year.

On VAT not mandatory for 15,000 firms

Posted 14 February 2013, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

The government actually needs to get involved in Grand Bahama as a whole, and Freeport in particular. Successive administrations have ignored ongoings here for way too long. Yes, these two entities, GBPA and gbdevco, have more than profited, much to our detriment. Look into licencing fees, "service" charges and the like. Service charges, which go up every three years, are subject to some complex formulation and dependent upon the cos pf living. How ironic it is that because of their actions, or lack thereof, that the cost of living here is so high. They have now made us responsible for the upkeep of the entire city of Freeport,as well as the development of new areas, as service charges are now reportedly not just for the upkeep of the particular area in which one lives but for these matters as well. How can this be? It was not surprising to see that the power company pays them extras on annual basis. It was not surprising that frustrated residents disrupted a gated community yesterday as the land used for its development was swiped from them by the port. Many things happen here, are brought up, and quickly hushed with no addressing the issues nor solutions to the problems. They are allowed to operate willy nilly, answering to no one. Thank you Mr. Gape for speaking up. Mr. Christie, please start working.

Islandgirl says...

These people better not think we will willingly go back to pre-1992. keep your hands off our money!!!! All I know is my money better all be there. If they cannot achieve this, I want the option of placing my money in a private fund and then show proof that it is being placed into a retirement fund. Christie your job!

On NIB pension cash 'was put at risk'

Posted 3 December 2012, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Islandgirl says...

Thank you once again for this information. There will always be those who choose to blithely ignore truths and dismiss them as simply "hating on" the entity being discussed. I really wish you would write a book. Many of us are ignorant to our history and this is solely the result of successful revisionist history put forth by the PLP or deliberate omission of facts. We need to know. It continues to be an insult to have a man praised and worshipped when there are so many of us who were trampled upon and broken because we simply did not fall in line with his garbage. Time to stop. We wonder why we are in the dilemma we are in today? Because the filth of our past has been pushed under the rug and stomped on to keep us unaware. "The Bridge to Sir Lynden..." Did you really mean that Mr. Christie? burn that bridge. Create your own, decent legacy. Where is the Perry Christie of 1984 who stood for something when Pindlinig through him and Ingraham out of the PLP for daring to speak out against his corrupt practices? Hate the PLP? No. We all need to learn about the real plp.

On Bahamas Airways – another PLP milestone

Posted 31 August 2012, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal