Comment history

JAW says...

What a backwards country we live in! All of our political leaders both in office and in opposition are stuck in stupidity.

JAW says...

God help The Bahamas! Nassau is filthy with roads and buildings in disrepair. Can't even breathe clean air because of the toxic fumes from the dump. Even if we had clean air we can't leave our windows open at night because of the high level of crime. Our political leaders are a failure and the worst thing is they think that they are a success. They expect us to thank them for ripping us off and undermining our democracy and protecting criminals even legalizing their illicit activities.

JAW says...

Political system is broken as there is no separation of powers. Executive branch runs roughshod over judiciary. AG will never prosecute politicians! Unwritten code among political elite to protect each other no matter which party. Enabling them to rip off the Bahamian people with impunity and undermine our democracy.