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JJSherman says...

This is a very sad thing that happened, as a nation we have to change of our evil ways for God to bless this beautiful country, too many ungodly things are going on in the Bahamas, I saw this years ago, I spoke of what was to come to this nation, and everything that I have spoken is coming into play. I left the Bahamas in 1975 because of the evil and separation of the "Haves and the have not's" We don't do right by one another, and that is the making of crimes and destruction that's going on in our country. Do right by one another and by those who has chosen to bless our shores, and in doing so our God will show his mercy upon our land and it's citizens.

JJSherman says...

This is such a sad story, I pray that the Lord hold the family of this young lady in the palm of His hands and give them the peace beyond their own understanding.

JJSherman says...

The Bahamian Government is a bunch of sorry officials, they don't care about none of the Bahamians except their friends and families. In 2003 I traveled to Nassau, where I brought my Mom R.I.P who contacted me and informed me that my sister and her daughters was abusing her, well to say I contacted the officials about my Mom and no one wanted to help me, so I went home and brought my Mom back to the USA to live with me, I gave up my home in FL where I was unable to obtain medical help for my Mom but thanks to a friend in CA who informed me as long as my Mom entered the USA legally that I could bring her to CA and they would give me medical care for her. I did and on Feb 11th, 2009 my Mom was not well and she was taken to hospital Loma Linda Medical Medical Center, in Loma Linda, CA there she was given the best care that money can buy, she finally passed away on May 11th, 2009. Not only the Government did nothing to assist me with help for my Mom, but the Bank of the Bahamas stole money from my Mom upon her death. I know in my heart when I left the Bahamas on July 17th 1975 with five jars of baby food and two cans of powder milk and no money in my pocket I was doing the right thing, and everyday I thank the Lord for allowing me to trust Him and leave. I pray that this Mother would have peace and comfort I pray that the Lord would hold her heart in the palm of His hands and give her the peace beyond her own understanding. No one should have to go through what this Mother had to go through. And the officials that she have begged and pleaded to help her son, their day will come, for our God don't lie and He don't die or sleep, for He said in His words that just what a man sow he shall also reap and vengeance is not ours. Ms. Adderley needs to pray and leave them at the foot of the cross, for they shall not leave this world until they pay for not helping her.

JJSherman says...

As a Bahamian I am so proud of these people exercising their constitutional rights, it's about time that they stand up for what is right. Unlike when I was coming up in the Bahamas, my parents was so afraid to voice their opinions about the injustice that they was forced to endure. This is one of the reason's that I relocated the country, and had no desire to live there anymore. What the Government don't understand the young youths of the Bahamas is not going to stand for the injustice that's been forced upon their parents, and Grandparents. Enough is enough and too much of something is not good enough for nothing. They don't care about no one but themselves and that's the God's truth. Giving these ignorant mindless policemen guns is like giving an ass a toilet to sit on, and the ass has no idea on how to use the facilities. These people has the rights to protest and they are not giving that right as citizens that's in the constitution of the Bahamas. Bearing arms is not the rights of the police, either, before becoming independent the police was not given g the rights to bear arms. What they are doing is creating a nation of angry people who are simply sick and tired of the forced institutional of slavery that people are forced to live in and provide for their families and themselves. Until Government do right by it's people then the people will respect the Government. All we can do is hope and pray for change, I mean really buckle down and pray. God answers prayers of hurting people. And this is what the people of the Bahamas need to do. Remember that vengeance is not ours saith the Lord, in giving these leaders to God and allowing Him to hold them for their sins and the bad seeds that they have willfully sowed into the nation of the Bahamas, there will be no justice and no peace.

JJSherman says...

If the black Bahamian people don't change of their dirty ways they are going to continue to bring torment and suffering to the Bahamas. As a Bahamian myself, this is one of the reasons I left, most Bahamians are mean spirited people on the whole no matter how much you give to them they want to continue to take and not give anything back. Face it I am not the only Bahamian that feels the way that I do. With all of the murder's and trials the Bahamas has been dealing with is not getting any better but it's going to have to really get worse before these people will do better by God's laws. Simply loving people for God's people instead of their nationalities or color. I thank the Lord that I don't have that kind of mentality it's so sad when people ask me where am I from and when I let them know the Bahamas, there is nothing been said good about the country. As for Fred Smith I don't blame him and he should leave for to be put in the position that him and his family is been put in he shouldn't stay if he has somewhere else to go. I said it in 1975 to my Step-Dad that the Bahamas was going to get worse, and I have said it to many people and I am saying it again it's going to hit rock bottom. Because God is not pleased with what is going on in the country etc.

JJSherman says...

I have sit back and watch and I am still watching what I don't understand why people feel as though they can mistreat God's people and get away with it. Things have been going really bad in the Bahamas for as long as I can remember, it began with not what you know but who you know, then with the color of your skin, then if you are a Haitian, then if it's where you live and what type of home you lived in and where your parents work or what position they held. With a country with no revenue but tourism the crime began to rise and continue to rise. The way that they treat the elderly of lower class and children that's been abused and the hike in food prices how can there be any prosperity in a nation where man is for themselves? I saw this as a young girl growing up in the Bahamas, the pain and the hunger and abuse that I had to go through. I thank the Lord that I had the faith to pick up my son and leave. It's going to get worse before it begin to get good, or even right. I had it very difficult when I first arrived in the USA, being mistreated and abused by one of my home people who I gave refuge into my home in the Bahamas who was returning the favor but instead she put me and my young son onto the streets of Chicago in the cold, but again my faith in a God who promised to never leave me or forsake me came to my aid, again it was rough, but in less than a year he open doors for me and my son, where we was never homeless again. Don't get me wrong, I love the Bahamas, and Bahamian people, but what I don't love is the way that they treat one another and people who are not of their blood. I have always said that the nation is going to suffer for the things that they are doing, and here it is today murder after murder, there was one person who called me stupid for leaving, the person bragged that the Bahamas didn't have any tax, and I was stupid to move to a country that I had to pay taxes, but how ironic this person came to the USA and had two children born here. If you don't get it when will you get it. Until people change their ways then nothing is going to ever get better. It is what it is as we all know the saying "God made ugly but He's not crazy about pretty either" Simply putting it, many Bahamians have dirty nasty stinking ways and this is why left and have no reason to ever return, and for those who don't like what I am saying pray and ask the Lord to show you the ere of your ways and ask that He open your eyes to see and your heart to change. I am not the first Bahamian that thinks and feels this way there are many of us that have left the beautiful shores of the Bahamas that feels this way. I happen to be the one who always speak the truth no matter what the cause may be. Don't get angry at what I am saying accept it and ask the Lord to change the way you think, act and treat others in your pathway, and in doing so your blessings will become overflowing. I love you and this is why I speak the truth for what it is.

JJSherman says...

Mr Butler is an ignorant ass, what do he means that the pilots are over paid, these pilots are not making any money. Mr. Butler you need to go to hell and pump thunder, slavery has been abolished many years ago. You must be in the twilight zone. Wake up Dummy.

JJSherman says...

That is what they do , they try to make other's feel as thought they are so caring and turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to what is going on in their own nation. But mark my word the God that we know don't sleep and He will never die, and He's not pleased with what the Government is doing to His people in the Bahamas.

On When Christie met Castro

Posted 12 December 2014, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

JJSherman says...

Pastor Troy:

First of all I have to commend you for your boldness and honest to God truth, not only have you spoken the truth you have indeed shame the Devil. What you are speaking about what our nation is going through and the behavior of it's citizens and so called leaders are so true, and this is why I left. Pastor Troy unless failures and sins are admittedly confessed to our God, and in turn asking His forgiveness, nothing is ever going to change. I reside in CA and I go online and read all of the troubling news about the murders, and the behavior that is carrying on in the country and it burdens my heart knowing that there is so much unnecessary pain is being afflicted upon the country while to me it seems as though the Government is turning the other check as in ignoring how this paradise on earth is going down into the gutter. Pastor Troy all I can say is that where the Bahamas is headed is because what the Government is doing is not right in the eyes of the Lord, and I say to you, when they begin to do right by God's people and fall to their knees asking for His forgiveness and for the forgiveness from the citizens then God's mercy will fall upon the Bahamas and it's citizens especially the ones who are suffering from the conditions of what is going on in the country. Pastor Troy I have been asked by certain relatives when am I coming home, and I reply never and my reason for this is when I was home I was rejected and neglected, and so I move to a country where I didn't have anyone, to allow the Lord to supply all of my needs, knowing that I had to lean upon Him and Him alone and not on the families that I thought was supposed to care for me and love me. Don't get me wrong, Pastor Troy, I love my country, but the way I was treated by the so called families, I allowed my heart and my desire to ever want to step foot on the land of a place where I was never loved. I will continue to pray for our paradise on earth that so many people from different parts of the world has the desire to live and visit, and I will continue to pray that the Lord will send Angels to our leaders like He did to the shepherds in the fields attending their sheeps about the Christ child. Will they change, I don't know but only through prayers they can there is a nation if Africa, and Mexico where there was so much corruption that the people allowed their fears to die and the march upon the streets and call out to the Lord and the bad men throw down their weapons and got rid of their drugs and turn to the crowds that was crying out to the Lord, I feel this too can be done by the citizens, near and far if they would allow the Lord to take control and not throw stones, but trust in Him like the never have before. Have a blessed day in the Lord, and keep on speaking truth. JJ

JJSherman says...

Mr. Bell, whay should you carry a gun? Don't you have trust in a God who will never leave you or forsake you? If you would change of your evil way's and not lie to the Bahamain people then there should not be a need to carry such a weapon. It is so sad in the way that the Bahamas is coming to, and it's because of all of the lies that you politicians are feeding the people. Change, and prayers is what I knew as a child growing up in the Bahamas, not guns don't you get it, and what is going to become of our beautiful country?