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JJSherman says...

So much injustice and evil has been going on in the Bahamas for as long as I can remember, I left because of the injustice and the segregatinons that has been going on in the BAhamas, the Lord has blessed us with beautiful shores, that many from all over the world is jealous of our surroundings, but most of us takes this for granted, and we have turned away from the gifts that was given to us. I left because there was no one that I could of turned to for help, and therefore seek refudge in a place that would provide for me and my son. I miss the beauty of the island, but not the rejection that I had to indure. Bahamians God is trying to tell us something, he is trying to tell us to clean up our dirty ways, and and to come back to him, with all of the murders' that is going on in the Bahamas, and everyone turning against one another, our God is not pleased with this. Humble yourselves to the Lord, and see how things will come around only for the good. I pray for my place of birth every day you too need to lift up our country to the Lord and ask of our forgiveness and in doing so He will answer our prayers. Remember New Orleans? He cleaned it up, and He' is warning the Bahamian people in the same way. Take head to the signs of the Lord.

JJSherman says...

My prayers and my heart goes out to you Joanne, as a Mother, I don't know what I would do . But Joanne there is a God, who has promise to never leave or forsadke us, and that alone should give the comfort and peace that you need. I know that wether or not you beleive what you believe, that God is in control. Lift up your son to a God who has given you the time that you had with him. For vengence is not ours saith the Lord, pray for the Police that was to protect your son, and allow our God to take the vengence that is not ours saith the Lord. Love the Lord with all of your heart and soul and spirit, for in the end they will get what is coming to them. My prayers is for the Lord to give you the peace that will be beyond your understanding, for as you know that this world is not our permanant home and we are only here for a short time, and just passing througn, prepare ye yourself to meet your son in glory one day. God bless you and give you the peace that you need, in the name of Jesus

On Search for truth over death in cell

Posted 12 June 2012, 12:14 a.m. Suggest removal

JJSherman says...

There shouldn't be a question about women rights, women has headed the house hold while men have turned away from their children, and wives so think about it, every man who has been raised by a woman without the care from his father should be walking hand in hand to stand with women. And if they don't then shame on them.

On FNM deputy sets benchmark for women

Posted 10 June 2012, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

JJSherman says...

This is 2012 and the Bahams has yet to care about people that are disabled. what is the matter with the law makers there? People with disabilities are people too and should be treated in the same respect and manner that people without disability is treated. This is why I left the BAhamas in 1975 I couldn't recieve any help with my condition and no one wanted to help me not even my family. I can turly say God Bless America, this counrty has done so much for me, and it has also done so much for my Mom who passed away in 2009, the Bhamian law maker's should be ashame in the way that they treats it's citizen.

JJSherman says...

I do agree about the way that Mr. Cartwright was treated, that is how it is in the Bahamas, people seem to forget all the good that anyone does, and when they die they want to come out and then tell what the person was and the good that they have done. But as for Mr. Cartwright God know's what he has done for the Bahamian people and he's getting his reward in Heaven. God rest his soul and give peace to his family;.