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JKnowles2022 says...

Shane Gibson have you no SHAME? The PLP would be silly (using this word because I can't cuss) to allow you to run. The Bahamian people know that your legal team was great. Please for Goodness sake go play golf and go fishing but stay out of politics. Isn't the 2.5 Million enough? Trust me the Bahamian people are cussing you out. It's a new day. Perry gone.

On Shane Gibson: I’ll run in next election

Posted 11 October 2022, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

JKnowles2022 says...

56 charges. He should resign. It looks bad for the country. He cannot get out of all 56 charges. However, if found innocent, he could return to politics in the next cycle - 2026. Oh, and he should sing like a bird.

JKnowles2022 says...

Wow. The rich guys always win big. They support their political parties financially and get a good return on their investment. Meanwhile the poor are getting poorer while receiving handouts on long lines. Raise your hand if you thought the PLP was for the poor. Yes! well, keep reading the fine print.

JKnowles2022 says...

Independence was good for this country. Unfortunately, only Politicians, their families, friends, and lovers move Forward, Upward, and Onward, together. Regular citizens talk, talk, talk, then change governments and the cycle continues. Hoping the new generation does better or we are doomed.