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JL says...

and if Joe Biden was president he would not have banned flights from China due to it being xenophobic and it may cause panic. Wait!, maybe that’s where the Bahamas obtained the virus, since the Bahamas is squarely in the back pocket of China!!! Ohhhhhh something to ponder.......

On 91 new COVID-19 cases, death toll rises to 89

Posted 27 September 2020, 12:06 a.m. Suggest removal

JL says...

Unfortunately nobody ever talks about the black on black murder rate. Just look at the murder rate in Chicago for the last decade. Young black men are killing each other at devastating numbers. Yes a white police officer kneeling on another mans neck is appalling and reprehensible,,,,but where is the outrage over the lives lost to each other. And where is President Obama on all of this? He is from Chicago and his voice seems to be lost on these young black men taking there lives from one another. And where is his voice on all of this violence and lawlessness that’s going on with these riots in these cities across the United States?