Comment history

JPryce says...

Mr Gumus has provided plenty of incriminating smuggling ring evidence and proof to the Bahamian authorities, yet no action has been taken against the individuals who are clearly responsible. We have given them PLENTY of leads that they haven't followed...Mr Gumus also believes that these men may have been involved in illegal organ trafficking and possibly captured our families to kill them and take their kidneys. Your authorities consider this ludicrous when in fact according to the World Health Organization, the illegal trade in kidneys has risen to such a level that an estimated 10,000 black market operations involving purchased human organs now take place annually. bahamas is not exempt!

JPryce says...

That's a big part of the problem right have more important things to do...Wow!

JPryce says...

My brother Howard Pryce mysteriously disappeared on March 9th also. Along with 10 Jamaicans, 2 Turkish, and 7 Dominicans and 1 Bahamian. he was also promised safe passage to Florida by a known smuggler called 'Klement'. We have given the officials tons of information and yet they continue to tell us the same thing even after 2 years 'we are still investigating'. We don't believe they have actively done anything to help bring closure or justice to our situation. Illegal or not, these men are humans, fathers, brothers, husbands and even grandfathers. They all have families that are now torn apart because of this. We only want answers... Is this too much to ask in the Bahamas? We do believe that the lack of interest in this case is because the men involved were of different nationalities. Sad. if anyone has any info that can help shed any light on this case please feel free to contact myself at 909-440-7375. Or Mr Gumus at 416-875-6447. we will never give up.

JPryce says...

Niyef Gumas is in Canada and can be reached at 1-416-731-3133. Any help is greatly appreciated. We answers. We need closure. Its been 2 whole years now. These disappearances are astonishing! My name is Jacqueline. My brother is also missing and I can be reached at 909-440-7375.

On Woman missing after vacation in Bahamas

Posted 18 March 2014, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

JPryce says...

Niyef Gumas is in Canada and can be reached at 1-416-731-3133. Any help is greatly appreciated. We answers. We need closure. Its been 2 whole years now. These disappearances are astonishing! My name is Jacqueline. My brother is also missing and I can be reached at 909-440-7375.

JPryce says...

Niyef Gumas is in Canada and can be reached at 1-416-731-3133. Any help is greatly appreciated. We answers. We need closure. Its been 2 whole years now. These disappearances are astonishing!

JPryce says...

We believe these people are being captured and used for organ trafficking which I have surprising learned is a huge business. They are being killed for their kidneys and we believe the Bahamas does not want the truth to hit the media. Before Niyef's family disappeared he was approached by a smuggler named Kevin Higgins who asked him to consider letting his family sell their kidneys. Niyef was alarmed and told the man NO! The man replied saying 'I will get them another way'. Days later Niyef's family went missing after they were trying to get to the United States. All this info was given to the police in more extensive detail and still no arrests were made to even CHECK into this story. Nothing is being done! We are very aware that our families were involved into illegal activities trying to get to the United States but does that mean their lives don't count?

JPryce says...

We believe these people are being captured and used for organ trafficking which I have surprising learned is a huge business. They are being killed for their kidneys and we believe the Bahamas does not want the truth to hit the media. Before Niyef's family disappeared he was approached by a smuggler named Kevin Higgins who asked him to consider letting his family sell their kidneys. Niyef was alarmed and told the man NO! The man replied saying 'I will get them another way'. Days later Niyef's family went missing after they were trying to get to the United States. All this info was given to the police in more extensive detail and still no arrests were made to even CHECK into this story. Nothing is being done! We are very aware that our families were involved into illegal activities trying to get to the United States but does that mean their lives don't count?

JPryce says...

We believe these people are being captured and used for organ trafficking which I have surprising learned is a huge business. They are being killed for their kidneys and we believe the Bahamas does not want the truth to hit the media. Before Niyef's family disappeared he was approached by a smuggler named Kevin Higgins who asked him to consider letting his family sell their kidneys. Niyef was alarmed and told the man NO! The man replied saying 'I will get them another way'. Days later Niyef's family went missing after they were trying to get to the United States. All this info was given to the police in more extensive detail and still no arrests were made to even CHECK into this story. Nothing is being done! We are very aware that our families were involved into illegal activities trying to get to the United States but does that mean their lives don't count?

JPryce says...

We believe these people are being captured and used for organ trafficking which I have surprising learned is a huge business. They are being killed for their kidneys and we believe the Bahamas does not want the truth to hit the media. Before Niyef's family disappeared he was approached by a smuggler named Kevin Higgins who asked him to consider letting his family sell their kidneys. Niyef was alarmed and told the man NO! The man replied saying 'I will get them another way'. Days later Niyef's family went missing after they were trying to get to the United States. All this info was given to the police in more extensive detail and still no arrests were made to even CHECK into this story. Nothing is being done! We are very aware that our families were involved into illegal activities trying to get to the United States but does that mean their lives don't count?

On Reward offered to find missing Turks

Posted 18 March 2014, 12:11 a.m. Suggest removal