Comment history

JackArawak says...

First, it sounds like she's more familiar with the bible than me. Please show me where Jesus said abortion was wrong. Second, despite a large number of Bahamians being brainwashed by the bible, we, the people who aren't, shouldn't have to be subjected to the beliefs of others. And, third, themessenger makes the best point of all above (it's all good until it's me)

JackArawak says...

they probably also chain their dogs in the backyard 99% of the time.

JackArawak says...

and who is going to maintain this equipment? no one you say? LOL

JackArawak says...

the real question is who knows who and who is related to who....that'll give you the answers you need

JackArawak says...

This topic blows my mind and the number of men who support the idea of a woman's body being their property....I simply can not fathom what you are thinking. For the love of God, put your bibles down and live in the current century.

JackArawak says...

so don't get married fool

JackArawak says...

I'd give women equal rights

JackArawak says...

it's only a matter of time that we implode financially. The government does one thing well and that is kicking cans down the road while gaslighting the D- population

JackArawak says...

Please Tal, if you're talking about the colony, it's not ''weed'' so, please refer to it as Indian Hemp.....LOLOL

JackArawak says...

totally agree. and I'd throw lime juice on the ''incision'' after I was done. The sad thing is these men think women are their property after they sign a marriage agreement because "it says so in the bible". Those men are not fit for society.