Comment history

JackG says...

Peter, No reply? Why is that? Perhaps because we both know it is the $50 you seek not the supplies.

JackG says...

Well deserved and about time it would seem to me.

JackG says...

If Bizzell and company are really offering to do 'FREE' spay and neuter and only want the cost of supplies covered I see no reason we could not give them the supplies and watch them do 'FREE' spay and neuter here in the Bahamas.
No money needs to come to the table would keep everyone honest. You in Bizzell??????

JackG says...

Perhaps an easier solution would be we supply the materials for 1,000 dogs and the local vets do 1,000 spay and neuters next weekend.

JackG says...

Stop telling lies. You know better.

JackG says...

Sadly the news is completely accurate.

JackG says...

If you really do pro bono spay and neuter why do you need $50 per dog? Perhaps you need to look up what pro bono really means.
Just saying.....

JackG says...

If the foreign Vets are willing to d it for free and cover their own material costs where do you come up with $50 per do? Be better if you just go back to England where perhaps you belong.

JackG says...

I would be happy to pay $50 for each local Vet that is spayed or neutered. They should never be allowed to breed.