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JanT says...

It seems to me that since the government doesn't have the money to help that they need to allow Bahamians to make their own money in order to meet their financial obligations. The way to do this is to allow them to go back to work safely. Think about it. The biggest problem we have with the virus is in Nassau. Most outer islands have no cases, Grand Bahama is down to two active cases with no new cases in over 2 weeks. I appreciate that Nassau can't open as quickly but allow the rest to open. The more people who are working are more people who won't require so much government assitance.

Keep the 9pm curfew for now, require masks and social distancing measures, open all businesses with safe practices in mind. Allow the beaches to open so that people can go out in the fresh air rather than going to the grocery store because they're bored and just want to get out of the house.

I realize that many of these islands are tourism based and until we can open our borders some will still not be able to work regardless but if we can open up the islands that aren't heavily affected it can then be a model later of how to open New Providence and then the country itself.

At least we'd then have as many people back to work as possible which will ease up on government resources just a little.

On Govt in 'conundrum' on rental assistance

Posted 23 April 2020, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal