Comment history

JanetG says...

Based on the announcement timeline, Sept. 2022 at 120 days max. closing - deadline.

JanetG says...

May the healing, peace and restoration of the Lord abound over their home loss and supply all their needs, inclusive, making everything new altogether.

On Former MP’s home destroyed by blaze

Posted 25 July 2022, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

JanetG says...

Wonder what method are they using to remove the spill? Floating booms, skimming or by sorbents? Or other?

JanetG says...

Grats are grats. Leave service employees grats alone for service rendered to millions of guests. Grats fluctuate when occupancy shifts no? Hence, minimum wage increase is just in time for the skyrocket price of living. food cost gone up, fuel cost gone up, power charges gone up, rent gone up, car prices gone up, real estate gone up. who gets the brunt of this inflation and burden by all this price inflation to not live, but to get by? us, the consumers, the tax payers at the bottom of this corrupt value chain. you wonder why crime and evil is up. leave the minimum wage proposed alone. they waited far too long to now be debated. be more useful by focusing on bringing inflation down and allow folks to win sometimes with your money grabbing green eyes.

JanetG says...


On Anti-gang operation ends with 27 arrests

Posted 14 July 2022, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

JanetG says...

gb is still high. the immediate new jobs are for the construction sector thru 2025.

On Davis claims jobless rate now below 20%

Posted 17 June 2022, 7:49 p.m. Suggest removal

JanetG says...

rape before marriage, during courtship, honeymoon, marriage, separation and divorce is all the same. rape is rape. what's the delay and wrestling all about? what are we teaching the females within our homes, families, schools, church, work and communities. we are not in some barbaric or bushwacker era last i checked. if a mate limitations does not meet our expectations, seek professional intervention for a chance to turn things around, but do not voilate women, from young to senior. if that doesn't work out either, then seek respectful alternatives, especially if children are part of the family unit (who by the way are not pons or for trade) amen. stop dragging legislation and put and end to this. we gonna wait until christ returns and see what's in the obstructionist hearts?

JanetG says...

2017 mps were charged and 2022 charges were forecast. who is surprised? and so the doors revolves, and i can see 2026 coming soon too. innocent or guilty, citizens deserve better than this no matter the party. thankfully we serve a sovereign god that's solid as a rock, to hold on to when his heritage fall short of the glory.

JanetG says...

no amount of accountability and performances can reverse or erase the tsunami that came from the high chair. unexpected crisis calls for a million moving parts to achieve one goal. help citizens in numerous locations at the same time. based on the statement from the chair, help was available but she would have preferred all hands being on deck at that one location, which of course would have impacted other locations. emergency preparedness and response calls for overall assessments, mitigation of hazards and providing the quickest response and relief. this my brothers and sisters includes cool and quick thinking minds working as a collective, and leaving all those gas-lit commentaries under conttol.