Comment history

JanetG says...

its ashame to have revenue and covid-19 in the same sentence. jesus take the wheel.

JanetG says...

no past or present house speaker should speak to anyone in a poor and undignified manner, especially sitting in that high chair. the outburst and displayed repeated anger is the subject matter. (not the affected constituents or govt.) most folks who are loud mouthed, arrogant and bullies, normally encountered underlying issues while growing up. its likely they grew up feeling invisible, unheard, and over looked. they ought to be interrupted thru professional intervention of therapy and seek soul care. because the outburst we're hearing is the traumatized child in an adult body speaking out from a high chair of dignity, grace, order and decency come rain or shine. i agree an apology is warranted but given the profile, that's overreaching.

JanetG says...


JanetG says...

both the recent past & present house speakers moultrie and deveaux require polishing and decorum. folks are simply not fond of big mouths, arrogance or bullies occupying chairs of such stature, including the chief justice speaking ill-will and about darkness to a professional lawyer causing her to cry.. good grief our folks in high offices need deliverance and swiftly. jesus take the wheel

JanetG says...

crime has escalated to another level and we need massive intervention and external help. its in the homes, in the streets, on the jobsites, and at the place of worship. jesus please take the wheels and save our children. we're in a crisis.

On Two injured in shooting at church

Posted 12 June 2022, 5:05 p.m. Suggest removal

JanetG says...

the recent past and present house speakers both require better decorum .i'm sure in years to come they'll look back and say, i could have tempered my delivery in a more dignified manner. while i understand the gravity of our revered senior citizen homes being torn apart from tornadic impact. nonetheless, assistance was rendered not only to their homes, but to others as well, directly and indirectly by mr. russell, as reported by min. of state myles laroda, also in charge of disaster preparedness. i believe the lady house speaker misfired, and we ought not to conduct ourselves as if we're gas-lit like the millennials eloquently put it.

JanetG says...

may these devil agents be exposed and judgement of the lord be upon them swiftly.

On Police investigate rape claim

Posted 31 May 2022, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

JanetG says...

we been a capitalist, trying to catch up from generational deficits of disappointments, set-backs, hurricanes, pandemics, lockdowns, inflation, endtimes warfare. not to mention, the world continues to pile on every price cost and shift burden on the common man's shoulder. this is the outcome...capitalism. lolll

JanetG says...


JanetG says...…

with the property being closed from march 2020 and reopening january 2022. no telling what type of hacardous exposure were found and mitigated. can't wait for the findings.