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JanetJHutcheson says...

Dear God, today, let your peace rule the hearts and minds of all who reside in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. I pray that we will all come together in peace, love and unity; so that this beautiful land will once again be a godly beacon to the world. Father, I believe that "Righteousness still exalts a Nation and Sin is a Reproach to any People", according to your word. Oh God, thou who art our creator and the one who ordains life, breathe afresh upon us, so that our minds would be renewed, and our thoughts would be filled with all that is good, right and uplifting. Like the Psalmist David, Lord, my prayer is that you would search us and know our hearts, try us and see our thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in us and lead us in the right path.

Guide me oh Thou Great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak but Thou art Mighty, hold me with Thy Powerful hand, bread of heaven, bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more. Amen

On JanetJHutcheson

Posted 5 July 2013, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

JanetJHutcheson says...

oh lord our god, i pray that our heart, mind, and spirit would be renewed in love for you and for our fellowmen. god may we appreciate the beauty of these islands, reefs and cays, and know that we are specially blessed to have been born here. god it is my prayer that love would be renewed in our families, and that our homes would be places of refuge. lord we need you, and so for those who feel lost, hopeless, depressed, send someone their way who would encourage them and make a positive differnce in word and action. may your peace that passeth all understanding keep our hearts and minds through christ jesus our lord.


On JanetJHutcheson

Posted 28 June 2013, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

JanetJHutcheson says...

I first send prayers of comfort to this woman and her family, her church, I can't begin to imagine the horror, shame and sense of hurt that she must have experience. I am outraged at this unspeakable act and certainly hope that the Police apprehend this culprit quickly. Suffer not this rapist to live is my feeling at this time, even if he repents, he should suffer death, which is the only consequence for his actions. God help us all, what have we come to in this country, is this another matter that will be swept under the rug after a few days? I fully support hanging, and this male person should suffer his fate. I pray that this family and all others who are suffering at this time will be comforted and supported through our prayers.

On Police launch investigation into assault

Posted 18 June 2013, 3:11 p.m. Suggest removal

JanetJHutcheson says...

today lord i pray for the commonwealth of the bahamas, the land that i love. that almighty god would turn hearts of stone, to hearts of flesh. that we would return to our first love, god and family. that we would show mercy and love just as he has shown us mercy and love when we should have received judgement. i pray that our leaders would seek the wisdom and direction of the holy spirit who guides us into all truth. i pray that we would learn once again to be our brothers keeper, to help those in need. i pray that those who have more than enough would give more to help those who are in need. i pray that god would grant us his mercy and grace to undergird us as we work together to build a better bahamas where we are united in love and service.


On JanetJHutcheson

Posted 14 June 2013, 2:54 p.m. Suggest removal