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Jase says...

I find it funny that mostly everyone is so upset that Leslie didn't pay his bill (which was eventually paid) and other allegations, etc. But Bahamian people and their selective memory forgot the millions of dollars that BEC workers were taking home in overtime under false pretenses. Work that could've been done during regular work hours were being put off until after hours to collect overtime. Also BEC workers were 'double dipping', collecting a full salary and benefits from NIB and had the audacity to try argue that it was 'ok' to do so. I don't know about y'all but basically reinstating Leslie as chairman would be the lesser of two evils. Either deal with Leslie and his unpaid bills (which are being paid now) of $100,000+ and his 'hard mouth' style which brings results or deal with BEC workers that will eventually continue robbing the Bahamian people of millions of dollars of their hard earned money with overtime, double dipping, and other scandals we have yet to find out.....