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JayB says...

Whiles I agree with your first comment, as I do wish Mr. Wells well, I think its fatuous to bring Mr. Symmonette into this discourse when it comes to the public outcry over the actions of Mr. Renwood Wells, remember the FNM was voted out of power based on there "perceived" governance. So knowing that it will be regressing for us to allow more of the same or justify ones actions by comparing and relating them to his past predecessors. The bar must continue to be raised if we are to move forward and upward Bahamas. I am sick and tired of people saying still calling members of the Ingraham's administrations name to justify there folly or to provide smoke screens, when the fact is Bahamians sent the former administrations packing so if u dont want to be sent packing also u have to pull up your socks, shape up and fulfill your mandate