Comment history

JohnBrown1834 says...

This is huge and will give us high marks in access to credit ratings. It will tremendously assist in the start-up and expansion of businesses. It will bring honesty and confidence to the lending process. This is a big move in the right direction.

JohnBrown1834 says...

This immigration case should lead to efficiency at the Department of Immigration. It should also remove the discrimination so many faces and destroy the concept of "Organic Bahamian"

On AG office to appeal Supreme Court rulings

Posted 9 August 2024, 5:52 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown1834 says...

I think that most of you don't understand the difference between CDC and THC. The CDC is for medical use. It is the THC that gets you high. The products will remove the THC.

On PM: Cannabis law ‘long time coming’

Posted 16 July 2024, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown1834 says...

This is very confusing:
1. It seems that Pike alone will be responsible for transmission and distribution. They are not bringing any new money but will source the $130 million needed from local investors. That is very odd. If that is the case we might as well just let a local company do the same.
2. Pike will manage the company and will get a management fee. They will manage to return a profit therefore their staffing will be low.
3. They only need 200 employees which will be both local and foreign. In 2015, BEC staff count was around 1,200 employees. It is probably much more now. Most of them are in the transmission and distribution area. So, we could expect massive separation packages.
4. It seems that FOCOL will manage the supply company. What is unclear is how the LNG plants will be financed. Seems like the government is stuck with that bill.

On Grid handover for 40 percent

Posted 12 June 2024, 11:10 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown1834 says...

Where on Grand Bahama is it going to be? How could the reporter leave that out?

JohnBrown1834 says...

Even though the way they went about it is wrong, it is the right thing to do. Everything that comes into the country must be properly accounted for in a strict and transparent manner. Customs have proven to be corrupt no matter who is in charge under all administrations. We should privatise everything in this country. Yes, it will cost more but we will also get much more.

JohnBrown1834 says...

When they are finished, please pave the road in the back of the restaurants.

JohnBrown1834 says...

Great idea. However, there are no jobs for them in their field upon completion. There are more pieces of the puzzle that needs to be filled. Here are a few: 1. Performing artist tax allowance on equipment. 2. Mandatory local artist participation in all live performances. 3. A percentage of all entertainment in the tourism industry must be local talent. 4. Upgrade and expand the Performance Art Theater to Oka Hill. 5. A percentage of songs on the radio must be local. 6. Make the Clement Bethel Festival a national event in all categories for armatures (schools) and professionals. With prizes of cash and professional contracts. 7. Copywrite protection for original productions. 8. All local regattas, festivals and events must feature Bahamian culture. 9. Legislate what is Bahamian culture so that in the future we never lose it. 10. Make Bahamians proud to be Bahamians and accept and support everything Bahamian.

JohnBrown1834 says...

It is time to privatize some of those operations. The government spends close to $500 million annually in subsidies. That is about equivalent to the annual deficit.

JohnBrown1834 says...

Wayne Munroe has been a problem for this administration from the very beginning. He is usually off-tone. He needs to be reshuffled.

On EDITORIAL: Munroe at odds with PM on UN report

Posted 20 December 2023, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal