Comment history

JohnBuchanan says...

The PM said he was engaged with all the "relevant" parties. Izmirlian is no longer relevant since he was ousted by the Chinese. He was also incompetent as a developer. This clown "former director" also played a role in the demise of Baha Mar. The fact is, they blew it as developers. Izmirlian was in over his head from the start. He was driven by ego, blind ambition and Daddy's money -- never a good formula for success. The only issue that matters now is whether a buyer for Baha Mar can be found and a deal made with China. Period. What the PM says or does is meaningless. China holds all the cards.

JohnBuchanan says...

It's ironic that the PM said late last summer Izzy Izmirlian was suffering from mental problems, when he himself is clearly now delusional. If a "huge" number or major companies -- if ANY companies with the capability and capital to do the (discounted) deal -- were "making applications," the deal would get done. Quick. ExIm Bank of China wants to get out of a $2.5illion deal alive. That's all. Any serious buyer would make them happy. So where are these candidates, except in the PM's mind?

JohnBuchanan says...

The Prime Minister can solve both problems, plus reduce unemployment, in 3 easy steps.
1) Buy Baha Mar
2) Turn it into a prison and go on a crime busting spree.
3) Hire the 2,000 redundant Baha Mar employees and retrain them as prison guards.
Then he will be re-elected in a landslide! Or maybe not...

JohnBuchanan says...

If the Prime Minister is once again predicting good news, this could be the end of Baha Mar altogether. He must be either smoking some good $***, or off his medications. Every one of his past predictions of a positive development has led to another setback.

JohnBuchanan says...

The PM was right about one thing -- Izmirlian is clearly mentally unhinged if he thinks the Chinese would under any circumstances resume any business relationship with him. The fact they ousted him seems to have escaped him.

On Baha Mar becoming ‘huge white dinosaur’

Posted 18 December 2015, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBuchanan says...

If the Prime Ministers is again declaring that good news is on the way, we can be pretty sure it will in fact be another setback, if not outright disaster, based on history over the last 6 months. He is about as clueless and delusional as it gets.

JohnBuchanan says...

This guy is a gasbag and clown. He sat on the Board of the Izmirlian-led company that totally bungled Baha Mar. He is just as incompetent as Izmirlian. God knows the Prime Minister and his merry band of idiots are every bit as incompetent, but it wasn't directly their fault the project failed. Izmirlian blew it, plain and simple, and he is the man to blame. This guy is just an apologist for Izzy, so he has no credibility.

JohnBuchanan says...

He does not seem to understand that no buyer or new financier has any obligation to pay old debt. In bankruptcy, old debt dies with the old owner (Izmirlian). Any new buyer is acquiring the assets, not old debt. Prime Minister Christie appears to be totally clueless about how business is conducted, at least in the real world outside the Bahamas, and if he continues to insist that the old contractor debt and salaries of 2,000 redundant employees be paid, he could very easily kill any deal. The only hope the Bahamas has now is to find a buyer for a hard to sell, almost dead project.

JohnBuchanan says...

Banker: You somehow missed the fact that my posts in "support" of Donald Trump are a JOKE. If you don't grasp that, no wonder you miss the fact I am the journalist who uncovered the entire Baha Mar fraud last March. And for the record, I am a journalist, not a columnist. Journalists do not write columns. Columnists do. Different job. I just report articles -- based on facts. Any my Baha mar articles speak for themselves. Everything I reported turned out to be accurate. You need to educate yourself before you spout off.

JohnBuchanan says...

You might want to read my March 24 article, moron. And FYI, Hotel News Now is the #1 hotel industry news outlet in the world. Please also note the statement Baha Mar issued two hours after my story was published -- cancelling the entire opening, which I already knew was a scam.…

Here's the scoop I broke in the U.S. (it had been reported days earlier in the Bahamas) that the original December opening was delayed.…

Still LOL at my claims to being a journalist? Fool.