Comment history

JohnDoe says...

What utter nonsense Mrs. Loretta Butler-Turner. General elections have been called with less lead time. Shut up and exercise some dignity and diplomacy.

JohnDoe says...

Despair and disappointment seem to be the norm in my beautiful country today. Never in the history of the Bahamas have we witnessed such blatant disregard for propriety, sound practical judgment and political correctness. From Mr. Smith's perspective he perceived a flaw in the process and he is looking to exploit it. Though reasonable persons may disagree on the morality of it, in a free market society, Mr. Smith certainly should not be looked upon negatively for following the process laid out by the College Council. It is the College Council and their process that deserves scrutiny and rebuke. The entire College Council should bow their heads with shame and resign. To go through the entire process of recruitment, due diligence and selection of a candidate without any established salary band and terms and conditions of employment is at worst treasonous and at best a contemptible abuse of their authority.

JohnDoe says...

A very sad state of affairs. The Bill is now before Parliament and the Governor of the Central Bank was just recently given a copy and is "still reviewing it".

On Central Bank is 'still evaluating' Gaming Bill

Posted 12 September 2014, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

I suspect she is saying that the person or persons who murdered her "loving, kind-hearted" son should be hanged but not her good son, who had two young children to live for.

JohnDoe says...

Maybe PC should have sent the Minister of Finance to vote if the PM was going to be unavailable.

JohnDoe says...

Read the article again!

JohnDoe says...

Both the tribune and the Guardian have now published stories stating that the PM has in fact asked for the resignation of Mr. Wells, even as the PM himself has remained publicly quiet on this matter. Is the reporting of both newspapers inaccurate? Is the PM’s silence evidence that he did not ask for the resignation?....... we really do not know. What is known is that Mr. Wells, by his own admission, signed a letter of intent (LOI) for a $600 million dollar contract (3 times the amount of the BTC deal). What is known, by admissions from the PM and DPM, is that neither the PM, the DPM or the Cabinet expressedly approved or authorized Mr. Wells to sign this LOI. What is known is that the PM and DPM have stated that they were not even aware that this LOI was indeed signed by Mr. Wells. What is known is that the stated government policy is that it would not consider any waste to energy proposals until after the conclusion of the BEC reform initiative. What is known is that the party to this LOI has been eliminated from the BEC reform tender process. What is known is that the government has entered into a joint venture with Renew Bahamas for landfill management and remediation which intends to use the same waste stream that is contemplated by this LOI. What is known is that the BEC chairman has stated that to produce 1 MW of power it now cost BEC $1 million as opposed to the $6,250,000 per MW of power under the plan contained in the LOI. As I see it there are at least two issues. The first is the accuracy of the reporting which we should be debating. The second which in my mind is much more substantive is notwithstanding the reporting and given the facts above, as the leader of our government are you satisfied with the response of the PM to this issue to date? The real substantive question is not the accuracy of the reporting of “if” the PM has requested Mr. Wells’s resignation but rather “ought” he to request Mr. Wells’s resignation, given the facts.


Posted 31 July 2014, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

Wow, a tobacco manufacturer is angry with the government because it wants a tax exemption to sell a product with huge negative externalities that will in addition to the tax exemption will probably costs society more than 1000 times the tax exemption in health and social costs from cigarette consumption and the effects on passive non-cigarette users. No thanks, society should not be compelled to subsidize a product that even when used as prescribed will lead to that society incurring additional future costs. Pay your taxes!

JohnDoe says...

What does Renew Bahamas, BPC and Bluewater have in common. All three were granted significant government contracts, the negotiations for all three were shrouded in secrecy and all three were clients of the DPM law firm. Is that just a coincidence?

JohnDoe says...

I am often reluctant to use the word "stupid" but if any statement has ever qualified to be labeled stupid, it is the DPM's statement above. The fact of the matter is that our procurement process is nothing more than a black box, intentionally structured by our politicians of both parties to disguise the government interference and self-dealing that is taking place on a daily basis. And by the way, try to read the Statement from the US State Dept. Mr. DPM and you may understand why it is relevant and consistent with the purpose of the report and not interfering in our domestic affairs. .