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JohnDoe says...

Strachans and Roberts had those cars piled high from I was a little boy and they were American cars. They have nothing to do with what is being discussed above,

JohnDoe says...

Dis what the "Peoples Time" look like I guess. It is more like the rich _ _ _ _ _ peoples time all over again with a vengeance. Less than 1% already control 90% of the wealth in this country and they still cry like little babies at even the hint of competition. This is nothing but a very transparent ruse to cater to these guys trying to sell economy cars for $50K that will cost more to repair in year two than an entire Japanese car that would last you 5 years maintenance free. It is this self-interest corrupting culture that is constantly pandering to the privileged class or those willing to pay that has this country where it is today.

JohnDoe says...

Thank you for your public service and yes you stayed too long but that is not your biggest flaw. In addition to staying too long you have been thoroughly ineffective and incompetent as a politician and leader, very similar to most politicians that currently lead this country and those in opposition. If you and them have a fatal flaw, it is that all of you think that you are much smarter than you really are. In other words, you don't know what you don't know and therefore you assume that you know it all. Recipe for disaster.

On Christie: I stayed too long

Posted 3 January 2018, 7:46 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen have nothing to do with the Bahamas. In the Bahamas over the past 50 to 60 years less than 1% of our population have amassed greater than 90% of the wealth in this country, and this 1% does not include the webshops. What has that 1% produced in the real economy in the Bahamas? I hear your outrage at the webshops but where is the similar outrage at that 1% that is and has done 100 times more damage to our economy by hoarding their tremendous wealth earned off of the backs of small Bahamians in offshore accounts.

On $750m bond 'prolongs savers' punishment'

Posted 3 January 2018, 7:20 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoe says...

During the 1980's there were many Bahamian owned restaurants on or right off Bay street that offered authentic Bahamian cuisine and had as its major clientele visitors staying in the Paradise Island and Nassau hotels. Today, hotel visitors come to Nassau or Paradise Island and it is not unusual that they never even leave the hotel compounds or spend a dollar outside of those compounds.

JohnDoe says...

Great observations. Every business deal must be evaluated within the context of the business environment and dynamics within which that deal is created. The headline sounds good but without additional information we really have no idea whether or not this is a good deal or idea. What is a bit concerning is this braggadocious style and attitude which reminds me of Trump's style, which as we have come to know often have no basis in truth, integrity, facts or strategic results. So if there must be winners and losers does that mean that these operators are now the the losers and one's being screwed. I wonder how this would impact their behavior and how they feel about the Minister bragging about it? There is a tried, proven and established approach to making great deals and also building great relationships all at the same time.

The issue above is but a small component to a much larger issue. The entire value chain of our Tourism product is tilted so as to maximize the dollars captured either by the cruise ships or the hotels and minimize the amount spent outside of those venues.

JohnDoe says...

Silly comment!

JohnDoe says...

I have never heard such utter nonsense coming from a supposedly economist in my entire life. Maybe he should re-acquaint himself with econ 101 as to how economies grow. Economies grow through investment, spending, innovation and technology, increasing our human and productive capacity and creating jobs Mr. Pinder. This spending/investment can be domestic and/or foreign. This myth that our economy can only grow from FDI is beyond silly.

JohnDoe says...

Do you really believe this?

JohnDoe says...

We often talk about de-risking with respect cross-border transactions but nobody is talking about the "de-risking" taking place by our local commercial banks against the poor and disenfranchised in our society.

On Bank exits with just 'hint of blacklisting'

Posted 9 December 2017, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal