Comment history

JohnDoes says...

Be prepared for the Number Boys to buy up all the Medical Dispensary licenses and dominate the market with their 'loose money.' Another market closed due to Number Boys buying everything out.

JohnDoes says...

If its one entity that got the mighty slap on the wrist, it is indeed the number racket. Those guys are filthy rich and are so far gone from the problems our government and people have to deal with. They are embraced at every luncheon with the OPM and really be laughing in disbelief behind the scenes about how they even got there. Those guys are in the Mediterranean, Mexico, Miami in their multimillion dollar cars and private jets partying every other day to week, and the PLP let them go scott free to the point where the govt have to beg $$ from them in promise of crown land to build more of their super inflated establishments.

JohnDoes says...

& yet still cant get bail for an ounce of mary jane.

JohnDoes says...

When an agreement is agreed upon by organized crime, how can you expect not to become a victim? Do you all know how much 50,000 acres is with a land option of adding another 50,000 acres? No wonder the U.S. labeled us as a 'Country for Sale'. The Hawksbill Creek Agreement was a facade from its inception; a big organized crime initiative with the gist of 'development' to make it sound good, so good that when it expired in 1985 they renewed it to 2054. Only a sell-out would place a signature on that. And now you expect your chickens to roost in 2024? For too long Bahamians have been waiting on promise of running water, instead they listened to Pindling telling them its okay to use buckets, we coming with toilets for yinna soon:

This is the person/entity that the Hawksbill Creek Agreement was curated for (also remember, Sir Stafford Sands was also this man's lawyer):
Wallace Groves (c. 1901–30 January 1988) was a prominent financier and fraudster, who, after his release from federal prison in 1944, moved to the Bahamas and there founded and operated the free trade zone, resort, and casino development Freeport on Grand Bahama Island. Investigators of U.S. organized crime associate him with the Meyer Lansky syndicate operating offshore casinos from Miami Beach.

JohnDoes says...

Dont worry they sent it over to 'Q' in MI6 to attach useless rockets, smoke and oil disperal machines for quick and efficient get away from the Chic-charney.

On Govt defends $192k new BMW for PM

Posted 21 March 2024, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

You buy a BMW? The most sensitive car in the world with the most maintenance and mechanical issues? Everyone I know who bought a BMW was hardly seen driving it because it was always in for repair or maintenance. You easily could have bought a nice durable vehicle. BMW is all for looks with no longevity. Most if not all mechanics in the Bahamas dont even have the special tools or diagnostic machines to properly maintain the vehicles. I wont even talk about maintenance and repair costs that will also skyrocket to the price of the car in next 5 years.

On Govt defends $192k new BMW for PM

Posted 21 March 2024, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnDoes says...

This is what happens when you have outdated laws with no amendments that reflect respect for human/public rights. It creates grey areas and holes that the criminals and the police use to carry out their 'duties' in hopes of receiving payouts, bribes, and overall satisfaction.

JohnDoes says...

Shouldn't they be looking for a man with 'Dreadlocks' instead of saying 'Rasta-type'? What exactly is a 'Rasta-type'?

JohnDoes says...

Must've been a foreign ex-pat's kid that was born here, he is Bahamian by technicality but not by heart.

JohnDoes says...

Yep, they'll be the first to buy out all the expensive contracts and licensing. Another illegal market made legal so that only a select few can profit.