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JohnQ says...

Another band aid approach to a problem that has been festering for years. The utility is unreliable, unaffordable, and now it is admittingly unsafe. The leadership promises relief and then qualifies it with “There will still be some outages, but it should definitely be reduced,”.

JohnQ says...

Sorry EU2C. Government isn't the continued solution.

JohnQ says...

Exactly. What we are witnessing and living through, is a classic example of poor leadership. The power grid supply and demand requirements did not suddenly appear/change overnight. Lack of communication and planning stem from an energy supplier that is inept, corrupt, and backwards. The BPL leadership has to go. Privatize the utility and move forward.

JohnQ says...

As Vice President, Kamala Harris has two major accomplishments to run on and only two. She is a female and she is African American. Time will tell if those two are enough to carry the day.

JohnQ says...

Biden has been dividing the United States for 3 plus years. Now, he calls for unity. The only thing he has been running on is how Trump is a threat to democracy. Pathetic.

Trump is an American hero.

JohnQ says...

Given the economic forecasts from virtually every major finance organization, it seems the Government should be increasingly concerned or at least aware of the possibility of deep recession and down turn in revenue. Printing money isn't a solution.

JohnQ says...

More Communist Chinese influence means more dependency and less sovereignty.

On China aims for extra investment

Posted 5 November 2022, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a Socialist Democrat bootlicker. More tired and lazy story line from the "Columnist"

Deflection again this Charlie? It's the economy stupid!!

On STATESIDE: Political violence in the US

Posted 3 November 2022, 9:16 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Charlie Harper is a Socialist Democrat bootlicker. More deflection Charlie ??

It is one election at a time Charlie, and increasingly Democrats are coming to the realization that their party has moved to far from the center and is in jeopardy of losing control of the US Congress.

Joe Biden is a bumbling, stumbling, 40+ year politician who apparently doesn't know where he is most of the time. His legacy will be one of failed leadership and failed policies across the board.

As for Trump, time will tell. The numerous investigations undertaken by his obvious political enemies are indications of just how much they fear what he represents and understands. It is important to remember that Trump was at one time a Democrat, who was a major financial donor to virtually every prominent member of the Democrat party. Additionally, his knowledge and information concerning top American leaders associated with the infamous "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation is particularly alarming to the longtime political class of Washington DC, and has the potential to embarrass and expose prominent members of the both political parties, the FBI, and the DOJ.

His ability to fund raise is likely to be his best contribution to establishing a new and younger group of leaders going forward.

JohnQ says...

These gang thugs can play the game and possibly fool some of the citizenship. At the end of the day there is an old saying that goes like this. "You ain't going to change the stripes on that tiger".

On ‘Gangs in talks’ to curb violence

Posted 18 October 2022, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal