Comment history

JokeyJack says...

Nonsense. We will have another 50 years of backwardness because Bahamians are too ignorant to vote against the PLP and FNM at the same time.
Besides that, the final results have to be approved in Port su Prince.

JokeyJack says...

That's good. PLP & FNM voters deserve what they get. Im happy to suffer along with them if it ensures they suffer too.

As the world crumbles, here in the Habamas our lack of good governance will ensure we suffer even worse than Bud Light.

JokeyJack says...

And if you die before your dog, then your children jointly become the owners and they are put to death. Why is it if someone kills a child we are angry, but if a dog kills a child we give it a treat?

JokeyJack says...

I have no problem if the govt decides to put owners "to sleep" instead of the dogs. Just beware many will become Judas overnight and not admit to being the owner. Dog registration?

JokeyJack says...

If govt thinks they can manage something - let them remove the restriction in the updated H.C. Agreement preventing other airports on the island, and use the old "missile base" as an airport in East End. Then show us what you can do to develop East End.
In 5 years if it still looks like Bain Town then we will still say no to govt take-over of Port.

JokeyJack says...

Gas ststions need to stop hiring new pump attendants as any leave. Just have one for every 2 pumps (4 hoses). Make people wait in line. Share the pain.

JokeyJack says...

No sir. The Governor General (usually a "yes" man/woman who care more about their legacy than future generations) is in charge of the public service.
The GG very very very seldom actually makes any decidions of substance and that is because the King & Queen don't care who these GGs are and just rubber stamp nominations from PMs across the Commonpoverty of Nations.

JokeyJack says...

Maybe of he would allow the country to have a Minister of Finance instead of hogging the position, things could work out better. No one man can do both of those jobs with only 27 hours in a day.

JokeyJack says...

So this is what we are going to do? I think instead we should ban all persons and flights beteen Europe and Bahamas except for the UK which has left the EU.

This is being forced on the world by Brussels and it's way past time to fight back. Give all EU citizen property/business owners 3 years to liquidate. Ban all travel starting Jan 1st 2024.

JokeyJack says...

Well, muddo, you mean the Haitians dem done tief all the crown land on Grand Bahama? They don't play. Bahamians is sell vote for Kalik, but Haitian don't play - dey gats da land.