Comment history

JokeyJack says...

She is correct. Only someone with no brain would supporr this sell-out of Bahamians. Why are there so many traitors in this country? A country full of traitors cannot survive.

JokeyJack says...

The Bahamian retailers aren't aware of any ongoing talks. Maybe Sir Frankie is meaning Haitian Petroleum Retailers are meeting with their fearless prime minister?

JokeyJack says...

The police know they are outnumbered and out-weaponed in Abaco. They don't stand a chance. We only have 3000 officers in the whole country. We would need the UK Navy to assist for such an operation to happen.

If the Court says they can be pushed down, a lot of defense force will be on the next plane to Miami snd claim asylum.

JokeyJack says...

Simple solution. Dont hire any more staff. As people leave , let it go down to one cashier and one pump attendant per shift with one person on only 1 shidt per dat for restocking
Whatecer resulta from that it is

JokeyJack says...

"...which many doctors and insurers fear will increase medical bills and treatment costs for thousands of Bahamians..."

Yes, but they are only Bahamians - they don't count. They don't matter. You have to be a foreigner in this country to matter.

JokeyJack says...

Dysfunctional fire equipment from a dysfunctional government. LOL. What else would you expect.. Anyway - people dem riding the wave with Brave. They say Lincoln selling dreams. This fire seem like nightmare though - LOL..

JokeyJack says...

Bahamians don't need money. They are busy riding the wave. It would not matter if it was $936 million instead of 136 - Bahamians just don't care.

Red & Yellow,
My good fellow.
Yellow and Red
Until we dead.

JokeyJack says...

This 63 year old should get life in prison and ALL pitbull owners in the Bahamas should be given 3 months to get rid of their dogs or face 6 months in prison and the dog euthanized.

A young girl in abaco has scars on her face she has to live with for life.

These people are just sick. They really should be euthanized with their dogs.

JokeyJack says...

Their guy in London should have rented an old sloop for them.

JokeyJack says...

Rubbish. This has been tried twice before, but i think i heard the story was there was some "misunderstanding " in the overall cost of the license.