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JokeyJack says...

I found a needle on the ground the other day, and so I injected it into my child. I don't know what was in it - but it was a medical syringe so it must be a good thing. Nothing bad happened right away - I guess time will tell. Hopefully it will protect my child from something, or heal them from something I don't even know they have. I'm sure it will turn out for the best. I just feel sorry for the person who lost it.

On Vaccines to be made available in schools

Posted 1 October 2022, 9:53 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

People have simply had enough of the medical community. Not interested. You can't ask questions anymore without being branded a terrorist or a conspiracy theorist. So many will just sit on the sidelines and pray for the best. Without real doctors, we only have God left on our side. Lockdowns, travel restrictions, forced chemicals on our hands, people have simply had enough, and the downturn in the economy world-wide is proof of this. Of course they are blaming the downturn in the economy on Russia and Ukraine - as if everything in the entire world is made in the Ukraine. I thought it was China - LOL. The fact is, people have simply turned off and are doing nothing and seeking nothing. Thus there is no activity, no economic activity, no activity of any kind - except videos and gaming online.

JokeyJack says...

Nope. We need to ban all new European visititors and tell all investors from there that they have 365 days to seel out and get out.

On Bahamas ‘must get ahead’ of EU attack

Posted 30 September 2022, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

When being poor is a tax free celebration, you end up with more "poor" people. Everyone should pay taxes. A big mistake in the USA is that people earning under $12,000 per year pay zero in income tax. This is terrible, because it separates these people from being a real part of society. Everyone should be involved and wonder where does that money that they have to pay, end up going? Where the VAT money gone? We still don't have an answer to that.
People should not be allowed to live thinking someone else will pay their bills. Children cost money over years and years and years. They should not only cost the price of a six pack of beer and a motel room.

JokeyJack says...

So we are going back to the Pindling era of employing full time voters?

Everyone knows the government can see who you voted for due to the ID numbers on the ballots. In fact, nobody knows this better than government workers waiting on their "permanent and pensionable" letters, which take years to be typed.

On Minister plans to recruit more for key agencies

Posted 28 September 2022, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

You see, so many Bahamians will soon forget that these people were just in power last week. There were no shanty towns then?

And how did "shanty towns" turn into "unregulated communities" ??? Is the Democratic Party in the USA in charge of our dictionaries now???

JokeyJack says...

We need to require all EU citizens to have a visa to come here. All visa application should he declined unless the person owns property or has a bank account or other asset here. Those should be approved but they should be told they have until August 31st 2023 to sell those assets or they will be nationalized by our government.

Do this will cost us A LOT. But being quiet sheep that do nothing, will only end up making us into lamb chops for the massa.

JokeyJack says...

"Mario Carey, director of BFN, said. “This is a crisis that isn’t being adequately addressed. How is it that in The Bahamas so many people go hungry every day and it’s such a struggle to feed them?”

This problem, like most, can be traced back to things that happen on Election day. We only get one every 5 years, but we waste the opportunity every time. It is sad that people suffer hunger and lack of proper medical care as a result, but our focus is mainly on Junkanoo.

On Food Network warns of a hunger crisis

Posted 26 September 2022, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Good idea. Remember we were not allowed to go to the beaches during Covid and those viruses were never removed. Any of my friends abroad who ask me about coming here on vacation, i tell them about those days and that we are still wearing masks and taking temperatures and forced hand chemicals.

Generally speaking, an unsafe place ... especially the beaches where recently the virus has been disguising itself as sharks in order to kill people.