Comment history

JokeyJack says...

"Why do our systems fail to live up to the needs of the people?"

That is the title of this article. Here is the answer, plain and simple:

...Because the people do not care if their needs are met, so the government has no incentive to meet them. The government knows that they will be re-elected into office over and over and over and over and over and over again - so what are they worried about? The people have worries and concerns? Well, that's their problem - not government's problem. Government has no problems - just sit back, collect taxes, talk foolishness during the next campaign and go into office again. Easy.

JokeyJack says...

So we have signed and now officially Communists. We knew we have been for years, just not it's official.

JokeyJack says...

The curriculum (topics needed to know) for the BJC and the BGCSE are too big. There is no way to cover all of those topics in a sensible manner during the 2 year period. Teacher have to RUSH through topics, so that they can say they "covered" them - which is a real joke. Then in the 2nd year they "review" them - but you can't review something that you never learned in the first place.

Of course, those who make the exams work in CYA mode because they don't want anyone to ask them why a certain topic wasn't included. As a result, in our quest to make our students learn EVERYthing - they end up learning NOthing, in order to please office workers in Nassau so that they can "Yes, it's on the list". The result is our kids are "on the list" of failures.

JokeyJack says...

The curriculum (topics needed to know) for the BJC and the BGCSE are too big. There is no way to cover all of those topics in a sensible manner during the 2 year period. Teacher have to RUSH through topics, so that they can say they "covered" them - which is a real joke. Then in the 2nd year they "review" them - but you can't review something that you never learned in the first place.

Of course, those who make the exams work in CYA mode because they don't want anyone to ask them why a certain topic wasn't included. As a result, in our quest to make our students learn EVERYthing - they end up learning NOthing, in order to please office workers in Nassau so that they can "Yes, it's on the list". The result is our kids are "on the list" of failures.

JokeyJack says...

Exactly - remember in our country raping your wife is the "Christian" thing to do.

On ‘Startling’ rise in rape attacks

Posted 30 August 2022, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Rubbish. More promises and talk. Wake me up when it's built and open.

JokeyJack says...

Did the article say "Bahamian" fishermen ???? Bahamian? Well that's the problem. Bahamians don't count in this country. They are third class dogs that the government can easily ignore and cast aside without any fear whatsoever of losing their vote. They will vote FNM or PLP even if the government literally shot their children dead with a gun in front of their faces. Their loyalty is infinite.

JokeyJack says...

.... and where is her mask in the photo? How many people is she infecting and killing?

On ‘More than 100 new teachers recruited’

Posted 29 August 2022, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Children are not learning facial expressions as well. Mental illness is the result. We are going to pay a HIGH price for this foolishness as time goes on.
I suppose you would be ok with government requiring us to wear swimmer's goggles also to prevent dust from going in our eyes?
What comes next? Burqas?

On ‘More than 100 new teachers recruited’

Posted 29 August 2022, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

.....these 100 teachers will help us suffocate your children with cloth over the nose and mouth.

On ‘More than 100 new teachers recruited’

Posted 29 August 2022, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal