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JokeyJack says...

You must wait in line and get it stamped. They know whether you do it or not. If you mail it in (and you are a Bahamian), it "may" get lost in order to open up a slot for a Jamaican to get the benefit.
I strongly recommend you stand in the hot sun and endure the heat and high humidity in order to claim a little tiny tiny piece of what SLOP called "Your Birthright". I don't believe he ever really defined what that was - and I guess maybe in a way by saying nothing he actually did define it because it is nothing.

On Why must seniors visit NIB?

Posted 5 August 2022, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I'm not begging. They can keep it as long as they like. During the past 2 years with this nonsense, I have done ZERO traveling - I buy nothing except what I absolutely need. I visit NO restaurants or any type of entertainment, and I do NOT help tourists with anything - directions? Nope, ask someone else - you come into my country and have more rights than me? Then you don't need my help, ask someone else. I donate nothing to charity and help nobody with anything. Total shutdown.

As long as YOU continue to play like things are normal - then they will continue to treat you like a dog. I laugh when I see Rotary and Kiwanis and other good-two-shoe organizations out there "helping". They don't realize that they are NOT helping - they are just enabling government to continue ignoring us.

While I'm at it, let me just remind everyone that government has not yet released the election results by polling division. Why is that? Are they using the Democratic Party playbook? Is Joe really President? Is Mr. Davis really PM? If so, then why not release the results?

On Please lift the mask mandate

Posted 5 August 2022, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Im concerned to, so can i be prime minister?

JokeyJack says...

It is truly horrible and inhumane that our hard working (and grossly underpaid) police officers have to wear such foolish hot outfits during the summer months (or any months when we have a hot spell which we can have even in January here).

As far as the white man, I doubt that if they were all expelled that would help a single pot hole to get filled in the roads. Blacks are fully in charge of filling pot holes, and they can't do that - so I think this is a topic for another day.

JokeyJack says...

Bahamians say they dont like no foreigners (except Haitians they love), so they should be happy this Florida family is leaving. Now they can "fish or cut bait" like SLOP told them to.

JokeyJack says...

"Adding that it was impossible to predict when global food prices will ease, he added: “You cannot put any gauge or timeline on it at this time. We’re still dealing with COVID. "

??????????? We were never dealing with Covid, ever. The governments won't allow medication for this illness for those who get it. They have only allowed the injection of some tingum and then people seem to still be getting sick. They claim that Biden is sick too. So they claim, but u know election coming and they need mail-in ballots to "win".

JokeyJack says...

Tal, if government is so great - let them develop West End or East End and show the Port how it's done.
Just override the clause that limits airport construction and move forward.

JokeyJack says...

Need an online list of businesses that employ, and then boycott them.

On Expand visa system to control Haitian flow

Posted 2 August 2022, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

It's only Bahamians losing jobs. If it was Haitians, then it would be important.

JokeyJack says...

"He also said while the Haitian embassy cannot discourage Haitians from partaking in illegal migration"

Really? You cannot discourage your citizens from committing crimes? You should be expelled from the Bahamas by Friday night.

Then you say the only way the Bah can deal with it is to grant visas? In other words the same amount gonna come, they just wont be illegal if we give them visas. Duh. No kidding. If i break into the back tonight and take the safe, it wont be theft if i have a letter from the board of directors giving me permission to remove it.

Seriously, it would be unbelievable if youre not ouf of here by Friday.

On Expand visa system to control Haitian flow

Posted 2 August 2022, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal