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JokeyJack says...

So sounds like Munroe gonna arrest a few Bahamians to intimidate the rest into silence. It will soon be a crime to speak out against "potential foreign nationals."

On ‘You’ve 14 days to vacate land’

Posted 20 June 2022, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Nobody ever asks where they get money from for food.

JokeyJack says...

My point is that at least Bahamians who dont want to give their country away cant be accused of racism the way whites can be in Texas with Kamala suggesting the rule is "If youre brown, turn around."

Kinda like the non-existent black on black crime in Chicago.

We are free to defend ourselves if we could only ever tire of the 2 repeating governments.

JokeyJack says...

Hey, isn't that a racist statement you're making? Aren't you just opposed to Haitians coming here because they're black? LOL.

JokeyJack says...

Lincoln is not a wannabe politician. He is a millionaire businessman who doesn't need to DO anything. However, he is upset seeing the Bahamas being snatched away from Bahamians by those who are snatching and those like you who apologize for the snatchers.

JokeyJack says...

They're not cutting it down for shelter, they are cutting it down and burning it to make charcoal to sell. Maybe they can come to your house and take the wood and cement blocks out and sell them too? After all, they are homeless and need "subsistence ", so rules and laws dont apply right?

Bahamian farmers have been granted Crown land for farming purposes after going through the standard 20 year waiting process. Haitians only have to wait 20 minutes for their truck to drive there.

JokeyJack says...

Is Mr Munroe saying Bahamians just need to shut up for 5 years? The New Day comes with duct tape?

JokeyJack says...

So if someone commits a crime, but they are a gang member then it's harder to prosecute them?
This news should increase gang membership since nobody wants to be prosecuted.
Joined a gang? No court date for you.

On Gangland wars and taking it to courts

Posted 17 June 2022, 10:52 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

It's simply too hard to imagine that someone would want to kill 24 thousand children. That's just crazy and unbelievable.

JokeyJack says...

True, but not sure if living is a good idea either. When 70% of Americans drop dead over the next couple years, China is just going to do a Hong Kong move on the USA and simply take over. Americans wont stop them because the news outlets will simply report that "things are never going to return to normal " - and the people will just swallow it cause it's on tv. People have already swallowed that phrase with regard to this flu thing.