Comment history

JokeyJack says...

Vote for me, and will allow children to have food to eat - LOL.

JokeyJack says...

Absolutely correct. Thanks also to Dawes. Will God grant us the wisdom to #1 come out and vote and #2 vote for anyone except red & blue. I personally would encourage you to support Lincoln and the COI but that is just me. I would be SO happy if every single MP going in this time is not a red or yellow. A coalition could be formed amoung whoever shows up and PM and L of O and be figured out at that time.
Bahamians will have a democracy, and it will be a learning experience for all.

JokeyJack says...

Yall stay with your liveable wage. The COI talking ownership and personal growth for business operation and success.

$250/week - LOL. Red & Yellow, people just can't see no other color - so sad.

On Unions see ‘liveable’ wage as real goal

Posted 3 September 2021, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Thank you for providing info. Nobody will read it though - they are already hypnotized.

On UB faculty demands COVID policy rethink

Posted 3 September 2021, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Exactly. We claim to be a Christian nation and we all know about the MARK that was said will come that you will need in order to buy or sell.
Uhm, hello? Are yall stuck on stupid? Now you cant buy without a job, and you cant sell anything if you're not working in a store or "selling" education or whatever.
What else needs to be told about this "vaccine" for yall to realize that it is the MARK. Yall need Satan to show himself in the flesh? He can if you ask him to. He stands ready 24-7.

On UB faculty demands COVID policy rethink

Posted 3 September 2021, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

My friend, you are in for a rude awakening. Have you filled out a travel health visa application online recently? Have you noticed how now they are asking you all kinds of questions about whether you have diabetes with complications, high stress, etc? High stress - what exactly does that mean? Is there anyone alive today who does not have high stress?
They are also asking whether you are bring financial instruments over $10,000? What does that have to do with health? Isn't that a customs function? Does that mean when the customs officer asks me that question after I land, I can tell him I already answered online and I don't have to answer him?
What else are they going to add to this thing? Will you have to record cholesterol levels? That is a serious thing. What about adopted children? Do you have adopted children? Do you love them as much as if they were your biological children?
What about cheating on your wife or husband? Have you ever done that? Could you be spreading sexually transmitted diseases?
we need to know all your business.
Trust me, if yall let this Frankenstein monster loose- he will run free and grow and become very scary.
If you are not scared yet, and going along with this foolishness, trust me - your day to be scared exists in your future.

On UB faculty demands COVID policy rethink

Posted 3 September 2021, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

You may have a point. Perhaps we should also require a colonoscopy? Reading your comment gives me grave concern in this area, for you in particular. This is an area of health that is often ignored and even seldom talked about, yet polyps are real and can grow and become cancerous and cause great problems.

What kind of society would be be if we allowed you (and others) to contract and die of colon cancer? We would be backward, primitive, uncaring souls - and we simply cannot allow that.

All persons should be required to have a colonoscopy and register the results with the Ministry of Health every 3 months.

On UB faculty demands COVID policy rethink

Posted 3 September 2021, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

How about you get your hands on a syringe then give me a call and i will tell you where to stick it.

On Council to seek consensus over COVID testing

Posted 2 September 2021, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Stop ya lies. Everyone on Grand Bahama rolling in money and can't wait to re-elect the FNM.

On GB still struggling with Dorian fall-out

Posted 2 September 2021, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Sounds like they planning all the financial accountability they were already supposed to have done. LOL. Yall wanna fall for the same tired promises? That's ya choice. I never see no people love suffering more than Bahamians. Yellow and red jook in their head.

On FNM pledges BOB sell-off

Posted 2 September 2021, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal