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JokeyJack says...

Gotta love the way the headline pic seems to limit the choices of the ignorant Bahamian down to two. Tweedledum or Tweedledee.…

JokeyJack says...

Another one who seems not to wanna talk about medicine for this disease. He claims people are dying, ok, so why not let them have medicine? Why only injections?

On Thompson: Please get vaccinated

Posted 19 August 2021, 11:39 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I wonder when this guy practiced medicine and he prescribed a med and the patient didnt respind well or had an allergic reaction, did he just prescribe another round of the same thing?

Probably not.

Then why us he a stuck record these days? Whe is he opposed to the use of medication all of a sudden?

On Sands - we need tough action

Posted 19 August 2021, 9:46 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...…… Cassius Stuart

And we should keep Reece Chipman, Moultrie, and Hannah-Martin

Also get Graham Weatherford into Freetown.

JokeyJack says...

An interesting question Birdie, but one we dont even have time to concern with. The 16th coming soon. Stay focused. You will see all kind of fool in the news to distract us in the coming days. This announcement thing is only the first of many.
Minnis wants you to worry about fool, while he worry about counting votes with social distancing.

JokeyJack says...

So you sayinh we should like it and pass the vaseline instead of trying? The ball is in the DNA's court to step up and form a united front with the rest. There is not time or ability to campaign atvthis late date. It can only be handled within each constituency with the candidates doing a joint news conference and announcing who amoung them they want voters to support.
Otherwise they can hear that dry dead news reporter saying "Mr Smith, one vote. Mr Smith, one vote." LOL.
What a stupid waste of time and energy.

JokeyJack says...

The sensible response to this is simple. VOTE. Why Bahamians think "staying home" does anything? Govt dont care if only 10 people vote in a constituency. If the vote counts are Minnis 3, Brave 2, Komolafe 2, Lincoln 1, Cassius 1, and an independent 1 then Minnis wins with only 3 out of 10 votes. Thats how our system works.
So the question must be asked, why havent all these independents and 3rd parties come together and divided up the seats? Agree to ask their supporters to support other candidates in their constituency in exchange for senate appointments or ambassadorship or other comfy position?
Komolafe et al ought to ask their people in Pinewood to vote for Lincoln.
Lincoln er al ought to ask their supporters to vote for Komolafe in Carmichael
And so on down the list. Agree to let a few of Stone McEwan's people get a couple uncontested seats.
And yes, even let PLP get a few seats, but very few LOL and dare i say even a few FNMs. Everyone can have a voice but we can't survive another FNM or PLP PM.

Then a coalition government can be formed when the dust settles.

Verily i say unto thee, that unless these players come together and form such a plan then the VERY split opposition vote will be split and FNM will win 22 seats and PLP will win 17 seats and NONE of these divided, fighting against each other candidates will win jack squat.

Yall think Carl Culmer don't know what i just said? You think they would call election if they thought yall could work together in harmony to form a true united opposition coalition? Of course not. They know the divided always fall and aided by the idiots who "stay home" the FNM will ensure a win.
I always say, keep doing fool and see if it leads to sense. Yall bess come together or we all gah drown. Arinthia how much times the DNA gah try get 39 seats and get zero? Try hatd talm to the other leaders and yall try get some seats instead of none. This game getting old and embarrassing man. Muddo.

JokeyJack says...

It looks like? That thing with the feathers in the lake with the large bill and making a quacking sound? It looks like a duck.

On Clerk says ‘fanfare’ will now begin

Posted 19 August 2021, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Those permits will never be issued, i suspect. Successive governments actively ignore the plight of GB due to the racial make-up of the PA owners and even the population. It seems to be a silent rule. Govt in nas knows that a functioning gb has the potential for population growth to exceed nassau and thus the number of seats in the House would be greater also. It would destroy their central authority and allow people to prosper. It would destroy the master and slave relationship between govt and the people, thus they would no longer be masters. They prefer holding the whip while renaming Columbus Day for the gullible.

JokeyJack says...

Youre talking aboit health. The "pandemic" has nothimg to do with health.