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JokeyJack says...

"Dr. Dahl-Regis insisted the “best way” for everyone to protect themselves and prevent more surges from happening in the future is to get vaccinated and follow established protocols."

Dr. Dahl Regis, madam respectfully, you do realize that we just beyond sick of hearing those words and phrases and just tune them out right? Nobody can take anyone seriously who outlaws and/or refuses to conduct studies on Ivermectin and HCQ cocktails. People become suspicious when medicine is outlawed in a claimed pandemic.

Has Nyquil ever been outlawed and people told they can only take the flu vaccine? How about plaster casts? Are doctors still setting broken bones and putting legs and arms in casts - or are accident victims being sent home and told to wait for the bone marrow vaccine to be invented? LOL

JokeyJack says...

Bahamians generally don't believe Her Majesty is Head of State, but of course Bahamians also generally don't read.

On The Queen on $500 note?

Posted 15 August 2021, 12:17 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

It's very very sad, but at least the price of apartment rents will go down.

JokeyJack says...

You could only blame them if they were in charge. They are following orders.

JokeyJack says...

"As for The Dream, here’s a small one. I dream my bulging avocados that look like they are ready to burst will soon ripen fully and we can share with friends."

Hopefully you can eat them with your mask on. What a waste of words that article was. Geesh. You can't be living in the real world.

JokeyJack says...

Well let us hope that nobody out there is making new variants and new viruses. Of course, it is not allowed to even suggest that, let alone begin looking for such persons. No investigation has been done at Wuhan or at Fort Detrick, and now it is way past time that any investigator could hope to uncover any "fresh" evidence.

If there are guilty persons, then they will go unpunished - and since nobody is looking to see if new strains are being deliberately planted (since that is a conspiracy theory and cannot be entertained) then their next round of viruses will go equally unpunished, and so on, and so on.

When the police don't even bother to hunt bank robbers, lots of banks gonna get robbed.

JokeyJack says...

"...and two because the average person cannot go into hospital for medical care so persons are dying from other ailments that could’ve been addressed more readily..."

Hey, be careful here bud. You are suggesting that some people are dying of things other than Covid? Really? You better check the official records.

JokeyJack says...

Schools should remain closed. Kids cannot learn in the mask and face-shield hyper-fear environment. It is a waste of time. Plus there are no jobs for them when they graduate anyhow, not even abroad. The world is over. Stay home and do nothing. Doing anything means risk, and that is not legal. Cars should be illegal - don't people die in them?

Keep everything closed. Lock it all down, even the food stores and clinics. Everything. Let's build a super big prison, capable of holding 350,000 people and put the entire Bahamas in it. Or have we already done that?

JokeyJack says...

"The aim of the payment was to reward those who stepped up when many were reluctant. If you weren’t one of those, you already know the answer over whether you should have the payment or not. Meanwhile, hospitals were left to struggle on yesterday – the very opposite of stepping up to help."

Right, so since they weren't stepping up before (accordingly not deserving any honour) - what difference does it make that they don't step up now. They are obviously worthless workers - so just continue to not pay them and don't benefit from their service. No problem. Fair is fair. If nobody wants them, then nobody should complain when they don't show up.

JokeyJack says...

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