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Joni says...

'...there is still much more work to be done before both viruses can be completely “eliminated”'.

There is only one virus in this case (hiv). aids is not a virus.

Joni says...

I once saw an ad in a magazine that said something along the following lines:
"What is one of the most important risk factors for women getting hiv? marriage".

Unfortunately, spouses of people who cheat risk waaaaaaaay more than getting a broken heart. And even if one does not end up with HIV, there are 25 other sexually transmitted infections that people are at even higher risk of obtaining (some of which are incurable). I cannot imagine the sum of the suffering on this island. Yet still, the silence around these "issues" is deafening. Moral the story: women, if you think your partner is cheating on you, you NEED to get tested for a variety of STIs and HIV. Even if you don't feel like anything is wrong with you, you could possibly be infected without symptoms.

On another note...was any discussion of STIs brought up during the marital rape debate?